2022 Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri COVID-19 Protocol
Adult Education Protocol
2022 COVID-19 GUIDELINES Adult Education Protocol
Group Training Class Size See Maximum Capacity for Groups page 6 for current information as of 12.17.2021
Masks See Masks, page 6 for current information as of 12.17.2021.
First Aid/CPR Training Each First Aid/CPR course participant will receive an individually packaged First Aid and CPR Training Kit containing 1 face shield, 2 gauze pads, 1 pair of large latex free gloves and 1 roller bandage. Participant to mannequin ratio is 1:1. Participants practice a social distancing approach when caring for a choking adult/ child/infant and while practicing direct pressure to control external bleeding. Food and Beverage Food and beverage will not be provided by Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri at Council-sponsored trainings. Adult Education class participants are encouraged to bring their own water bottles. Pre-Class Health Screening Adult Education instructors will confidentially document all participants’ responses to a screening checklist upon arrival to each class, if it is a recurring daily event or includes an overnight. If a participant or instructor has been ill or has any signs of illness within 24 hours prior to the class (fever, cough, breathing difficulties/ shortness of breath, or other symptoms), they cannot attend class. If a participant (or a member of their household) is showing signs or symptoms of possible COVID-19 or has been in close contact with someone confirmed to have COVID-19, they are not permitted to attend in-person classes until they are either: cleared by a medical professional, it has been 72-hours since signs or symptoms were present, or it has been 5 days since the last date of a confirmed exposure to COVID-19. Cleaning and Hygiene Each training site will be cleaned and disinfected, following CDC guidelines, before, during and after class. Frequently touched class supplies will be disinfected as needed. Hygiene best practices will be as follows: • Class participants (including instructors) must perform hand hygiene using soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. At a minimum, hand hygiene should be performed at the following times: ǔ Beginning and end of class ǔ Before and after skill practice sessions (when wearing gloves, hand hygiene should be done before putting on gloves and after removing them)
COVID-19 Response Guidelines 29
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