2022 Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri COVID-19 Protocol
Camp Protocol
• More frequent cleaning and disinfection may be required based on level of use. • Dispose of any materials used to wipe down surfaces in the trash. DO NOT flush or place these items down the ET Household bleach is effective against COVID-19. Check that the bleach is not expired and determine if appropriate on a given surface. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and proper ventilation. Never mix household bleach with ammonia or any other cleanser. Bleach solution effective up to 24 hours when properly diluted. To prepare a bleach solution, mix: 5 tablespoons (1/3rd cup) bleach per gallon of water or 4 teaspoons bleach per quart of water. Disinfection of Common Areas • Good practice: As with other frequently touched surfaces, toilets, showers, and restrooms are cleaned and disinfected daily • Better practice: High touch surfaces including toilets, showers, and restrooms are cleaned and disinfected more than once per day • Best practice: High touch surfaces including toilets, showers, and restrooms are cleaned and disinfected between users Permission to Attend A girl, parent/caregiver, or volunteer (or member of their household) must meet certain participation parameters before attending a Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri in-person meeting or gathering. Turn to pg. 5 for a comprehensive list of participation parameters. Reporting and Communicating a Positive COVID-19 Test In the event of a COVID-19 positive test result within a member’s household, promptly contact Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri’s Senior Manager, Risk Management, Dan Sise, dsise@girlscoutsem.org , to receive explicit guidance. A Council staff member and NOT volunteers, will be responsible for: • Confirming and tracing the positive individual • Contacting the parents/caregivers of anyone who may have been exposed (or other volunteers) • Notifying a facility where a troop has met A Council staff member and NOT volunteers, will be responsible for: • Confirming and tracing the positive individual • Contacting the parents/caregivers of anyone who may have been exposed (or other volunteers) • Notifying a facility where a troop has met Recommendation: Troops/groups should disinfect common touch surfaces after their scheduled time of use at the shower house, if they utilize the facility during their assigned time.
20 COVID-19 Response Guidelines
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