2022 Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri COVID-19 Protocol
Camp Protocol
Campers should follow these guidelines during meals at the Dining Hall: • Campers should wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer upon entry to the dining area or immediately prior to eating • Avoid touching frequently touched surfaces such as handles, doorknobs, tables, and counters as much as possible • When retrieving food, avoid touching items and putting them back • Maintain physical distance and increased spacing between yourself and others whenever possible. • Sit with or near the same individuals each meal and/or in the same seat if possible • Cover your cough or sneeze using good cough and sneeze etiquette. If using a tissue or napkin, throw it away and wash hands immediately • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth Activity Supplies Activities should be planned to limit the contact of supplies between campers and should be held outside if possible. When possible, provide each camper with the supplies needed to complete the activity, such as scissors, glue, markers, etc for each individual to use. When supplies are not available for each camper, disinfection of the supplies between camper use is ideal. For sports and other activities where a troop/ group uses the same equipment to participate, such as soccer or gaga ball, have campers wash hands prior to and immediately after participating in the activity. Each troop/group will be provided with a gaga ball and soccer ball to be used at the gaga pit and human foosball. The ball will be stored in the unit and should be transported to and from the activity areas by the troop/group. The equipment should be left in the unit at the end of the weekend. Additional guidance will be provided for troops/groups using the archery equipment and water sports equipment at the lake. Archery and lake equipment used during scheduled Activity Staff hours will be cleaned and maintained by the Activity Staff. Swimming Pools The swimming pools at all three camps will open the weekend of Memorial Day 2021. Campers should swim with those in their unit/group, and mixing of groups should be avoided. Perform proper hand hygiene prior to entering the pool and when leaving the pool. Masks are not to be worn in the pool. Social distancing should be maintained when possible in the pool if campers of different units or groups are at the pool together. All shared items such as pool toys and equipment should be sanitized regularly; common touch surfaces around the pool deck and shower house should be sanitized regularly, between groups if possible. Disinfection of Units Each troop/group is responsible for disinfecting high touch surfaces at their unit daily and prior to departure from camper. High touch surfaces include tables, light switches, counter tops, handles, bathroom toilets/ latrines and sinks/washstands. • Wear disposable gloves to clean and disinfect • Clean surfaces using a CDC approved disinfectant that kills germs on surfaces • Allow surface to air dry
COVID-19 Response Guidelines 19
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