Spring 2024 Lead & Learn
outfitters when participating in certain small craft activities for older girls (consult the Paddling and Rowing Master Progression Chart in Safety Activity Checkpoints ). All training must be kept current to qualify as primary or secondary trained personnel or general first aider.
For multi-level troops or multiple troops combined, use the adult-to-girl and watcher ratios for the lowest program level participants presen t.
Adult-to-Girl Ratios Adult-to-girl ratios are found in Safety Activity Checkpoints and are used to determine the minimum number of adults required to be present for an activity at any program level. The adult-to-girl ratios for canoeing and sailing activities are given in the small craft ratio and trained personnel table that follows. Note that GSEM may require more trained adults to be present for an activity than the minimum number of adults required by Safety Activity Checkpoints .
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