Spring 2023 Lead & Learn

Daisy Drop Box

Troop meetings are a lot easier thanks to Daisy Drop Box, our complimentary program for first- and second-year Daisy troops at Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri. Leaders receive a box in the mail each month with the resources needed to hold an engaging troop meeting, including step-by-step scripted meeting instructions and activity supplies for each Daisy. When you register as troop leader and sign up for Daisy Drop Box, we will mail you the welcome box. Once your assistant leader or another adult registers with your troop, you are ready to host your first troop meeting!

It was super helpful to have all of the supplies for the activities, and the scripted instructions gave me confidence as a new leader!

Meghan Turek, Troop 1381

I love that the box gives a script for what to say and do. The activities provided kept our meetings flowing.

Nicole Hilke, Troop 3958

Visit girlscoutsem.org for more information.

Questions about the Daisy Drop Box program? Contact Pam Johnson, Daisy Drop Box Program Manager at 314.592.2357 or pjohnson@girlscoutsem.org .

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