Spring 2022 Lead & Learn
Small Craft Safety: Canoeing: All Learning Path Description: This learning path is for volunteers who wish to take girls canoeing on flat water (no current) on or off council property. Volunteers who complete this learning path may serve as Small Craft Safety: Canoeing-qualified personnel. In this course, you will learn specialized hands-on skills that will build competence and confidence in managing a canoe and guiding girls during a canoeing experience. The in-person skills component requires strenuous physical activity including capsizing, emptying, and reboarding a canoe while wearing a PFD (personal flotation device/lifejacket) at a lake on one of our camp properties. Certification Course
Learning Path Components: • Small Craft Safety: Basic Water Rescue blended-learning course; access in gsLearn • Small Craft Safety (Core) online course; access in gsLearn • GSUSA Small Craft Safety Training online videos; access in gsLearn • Small Craft Safety: Canoeing blended-learning course; access in gsLearn
At the in-person skills session, you will be required to demonstrate the following skills in a lake at one of our camp properties.
• Reentering a canoe after falling overboard in flat water • Self-rescue from a swamped or capsized canoe
• Towing assist on flat water • Canoe-over-canoe rescue
Participants are encouraged to bring their own U.S. Coastguard approved PFD/lifejacket, otherwise, one will be provided to you during training.
Course Details: Register for the in-person skills session for this learning path in gsEvents or by opening the learning path and associated course in gsLearn and following the provided link.
Sat., 6/11
noon- 2 pm
Camp Tuckaho
Fri., 6/17
noon- 2 pm
Camp Tuckaho
Sat., 8/20
noon-2 pm
Camp Cedarledge
Lead & Learn Spring 2022 57
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