Spring 2022 Lead & Learn
Not an outdoor expert? It’s ok, we are. Adult volunteers who plan to camp with girls on or off Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri-owned property must be Troop Camp Certified. Troop Camp Certification courses ensure adult volunteers know how to plan a troop camping experience that is safe and everyone enjoys. All adults attending training must be registered members with a background check. Troop Camp Certifications never expire, so take the training once and you are set for life!
This spring, two Troop Camp Certification trainings will be offered: Troop Camp Fast Track and Troop Camp A-Z.
• Troop Camp Fast Track: This course is designed especially for adult volunteers who have basic camping skills, are experienced in accompanying girls to camp, and are planning to camp with girls on or off Eastern Missouri property. This course is at a faster pace.
• Troop Camp A-Z: In this course, volunteers receive hands-on, in-depth camp training. This is the perfect course for adults who have little to no camping experience, but are eager to learn!
For complete details on the Troop Camp Certification trainings being offered this fall, please turn to pg. 47.
Advice from a Camp Supervisor Cynthia Dyer, also known by her camp name, Razzles, has volunteered as a Girl Scout Camp Supervisor for the past six years. She always enjoys sharing the tips and tricks that she has picked up along the way. What makes a memorable and fun troop camp experience? Allowing the girls room to breathe. Personally, I feel that when a camping weekend is packed full of activities, the girls get too
overwhelmed and don’t fully enjoy themselves. I am not against planning plenty of activities, but I believe that girls need “breaks” as well. This might be taking your time walking from one activity to another, instead of needing to rush. Or pack a lunch and picnic on the way to a different part of camp. This downtime gives the girls the opportunity to make their own memories. How can troop leaders make troop camping girl-led? As the girls progress from Daisies, let themmake more decisions on what they are having for meals, what activities they will do, and so forth. Daisies can vote between a couple of meal ideas that the leader suggests, while Brownies can offer their own suggestions. My troop is full of Seniors and Ambassadors; they choose the meals on their own, searching online and in cookbooks to find what they want to make. They also help decide on the activities (crafts, games, staffed weekend activities, etc). While at camp, let the girls do things. The hardest part is the adults backing off and allowing the girls to cook, clean, lead. Even Daisies can push a broom around to clean the floors, wipe down tables, prep meals. Why is the outdoor experience valuable for girls of any age? Outdoor experiences get the girls out of the house, away from school, removed from daily life. They can also give the girls the opportunity to learn skills that they cannot learn indoors.
Lead & Learn Spring 2022 15
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