Spring 2022 Inspire Discovery
Girl Programs
May 2022
Buddy Camper May 4 Start: 6 pm End: 7:30 pm $10 per girl Max girls: 20 Registration Deadline: April 20 Daisy Safety Pin May 7 Start: 10 am End: 11:30 am OR Start: 12:30 pm End: 2 pm $10 per girl Max girls: 20 Registration Deadline: April 23 Woodworking Workshop May 7 Start: 3:30 pm End: 5:30 pm $20 per girl Max girls: 20 Registration Deadline: April 23 Brownie STEM Career Exploration May 11 Start: 6 pm End: 7:30 pm $10 per girl Max girls: 50 Registration Deadline: April 27 Bronze Award Training May 10 Start: 6 pm End: 7:15 pm $0 per girl Registration Deadline: April 26 Silver Award Training May 10 Start: 7:15 pm End: 8:30 pm $0 per girl Registration Deadline: April 26
Offered to: Daisy Grades K-1 Camping is a fun adventure, and during this badge program, Girl Scout Daisies will get to explore the outdoors and practice the skills needed to help them enjoy successful camping trips in the future. Let’s get ready to have some outdoor fun!
Girl Scout Daisies will earn their Buddy Camper Badge.
Location: Tilles Park, 9551 Litzsinger Rd., St. Louis 63124
Offered to: Daisy Grades K-1 Knowing how to be safe and when to call for help is important to learn at a young age. Girl Scout Daisies will complete the steps to earn their Daisy Safety Award. To help strengthen the skills she learns, each girl will learn how to complete an emergency plan, practice basic emergency skills, and create their own portable first aid kit.
Girl Scout Daisies will earn their Safety Award.
Location: Berges Family Girl Scout Program Center, 2300 Ball Dr., St. Louis 63146
Offered to: Cadette Grades 6-8 Girls will get the opportunity to learn about different tools and woodworking methods in this hands-on workshop with Building Futures. Girls will learn how to use some basic tools and make their own keepsake box to take home.
Girl Scout Cadettes will earn their Woodworker Badge.
Location: Building Futures, 2720 N. 13th St., St. Louis 63106
Offered to: Brownie Grades 2-3 Brownies are invited to find out how all the things they love—like camping, baking, and walking your dog—can become a job that changes the world. Girls will begin to explore different STEM careers and how they can turn their dreams into reality!
Girl Scout Brownies will earn their STEM Career Badge.
Location: Virtual
Offered to: Junior Grades 4-5 This course is for Girl Scout Juniors who are interested in pursuing the Girl Scout Bronze Award. Parents, caregivers and troop leaders are welcome to attend as well. This training will allow girls to learn the steps necessary to complete their Bronze Award project and how to submit their proposal.
Location: Berges Family Girl Scout Program Center, 2300 Ball Dr., St. Louis 63146
Offered to: Cadette Grades 6-8 This course is for Girl Scout Cadettes who are interested in pursuing the Girl Scout Silver Award. Parents, caregivers and troop leaders are welcome to attend as well. This training will allow girls to learn the steps necessary to complete their Silver Award project and how to submit their proposal.
Location: Berges Family Girl Scout Program Center, 2300 Ball Dr., St. Louis 63146
48 Inspire Discovery Spring 2022
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