Spring 2022 Inspire Discovery
A.R.C.H. (Arielle’s Rascals of Community Helpers) Gold Award Project
Issue: Addressing the needs of children who may have families that are struggling to fulfill their basic needs, such as diapers and wipes.
Root Cause: COVID has hit areas hard and caused financial difficulties for a lot of families. However, even before COVID, families struggled with affording items that aren’t covered by state assistance. It can especially be hard for families that have lost custody of their children and are expected to supply diapers, wipes and snacks at supervised visits’
Project Plan: My project addresses the issue by helping families with the diaper and wipe need through a donation box in the community. The box is located in a park that has a cool play facility for kids and a water splash zone. This is a great location for a parent who has supervised visits to go. Supplies are also there to assist families that are struggling between paychecks with their needs, or someone that might have a need while visiting the park.
Measurability: The frequency of the boxes being full were measured weekly to determine if the audience knew how to get items as needed. A QR code survey was used to measure if the needs were being fulfilled in the community.
Sustainability: This project is sustained in several ways. First, it has a permanent location in the city park. Next, it has it’s own Facebook group page that allows Arielle to interact with people and post about the box, as well as, having an email address for people to communicate regarding items needed or putting up another box in their neighborhood.
Team Members: Teachers Family Girl Scout memb rs
Inspire Discovery Spring 2022 39
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