Spring 2022 Inspire Discovery
Applications and Early Team Registration Incentives Applications for the 2022-2023 season will be available for all FIRST® levels the beginning of May.
Team Spotlight
Sign up early and receive special early registration incentives!
FLL Explore Teams that apply by May 31 will receive a special invitation to Lights, Camera, LEGO. • This event is a special movie night at the Berges Family Program Center complete with snacks, LEGO building and other fun STEM activities! FLL Challenge Teams that apply by May 31 will receive a special invitation to a LEGO Lock-In. • This LEGO-themed lock-in at the Berges Family Program Center will include LEGO jewelry making, coding activities and delicious treats!
Meet veteran Girl Scout Robotics and Seaperch volunteer, Kelly Richter, and the amazing Girl Scouts from her FIRST® LEGO League Challenge team the Terrific Techies! Kelly is passionate about bringing robotics to girls in her area to expand their confidence in the STEM fields. Q.What inspired you to get involvedwithGirl Scout Robotics? Kelly: My troop enjoys exploring new things, so robotics was a great opportunity for them. We’ve enjoyed learning new things—coding, engineering, troubleshooting—and I’ve had a wonderful time watching these girls grow. Their creativity and confidence has expanded immensely, and I’m so proud to be a part of their journey. Q. Why is it important for girls to participate in STEM activities at a young age? Kelly: I think it is important for girls to try new things outside of their comfort zone. So often, girls are hesitant to participate in STEM activities, but Girl Scouts provides a place they can explore STEM activities without judgment. Q: Tell us about Community Robotics teams, what was the need and how do these teams help GSEM reach all girls, everywhere? Kelly: I wanted to help the Programs team ensure a team for those Girl Scouts who wanted to participate in the Robotics program. We are hoping to not only provide a team for these girls, but also a launch pad for troops who are considering starting a team. Without these Community Teams, these girls would likely miss out on all the fun and skill-building.
Inspire Discovery Spring 2022 31
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