Spring 2022 Inspire Discovery
Around Council
Girl Scout Round Up 2022 New Name. Same Awesome Tradition.
Girl Scout Round Up, formerly Troop Round Up, is open to all members re-registered for the 2023 Girl Scout year. Girls and adults can participate with their troop or individually! Registration opens April 1 and cost is just $7 per person. Start: 10 am End: 5:30 pm Participants arriving in three different waves throughout the day All participants, both girls and adults, must be registered for the event AND the 2023 Girl Scout membership year. Girls must be accompanied by an adult if not participating with their troop. No refunds or tagalongs. Bus Transportation/Parking Daisies through Cadettes will be shuttled into camp with their adults by bus. Participants will choose from three pickup times and will be assigned to a bus so there won’t be any delay in getting to camp! After arriving at camp, groups will rotate between three different program areas, a special activity of their choice and a snack/lunch break. They will catch the bus back to their car at the assigned departure time. Seniors and Ambassadors will be given parking passes so their group can drive into camp and skip the bus! Parking passes will be issued to the adult registered to attend with the girl(s). They will choose a time to participate in their program area, along with the Juniors and Cadettes. They can also choose to volunteer for part of the day, helping with the Daisy and Brownie activity stations.
2022 Dates
Saturday, Oct. 1 Camp Cedarledge
Saturday, Oct. 8 Camp Tuckaho
Camping Overnight We are thrilled to reopen our camping option for this event! On June 7, participants registered as a Junior, Cadette, Senior or Ambassador for the event will receive a special sign up for camping. All participants at these program levels are welcome to camp the weekend they are registered to attend the event, it can be a whole troop or just a girl and her adult!
14 Inspire Discovery Spring 2022
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