Spring 2021 Lead & Learn
SMALL CRAFT SAFETY TRAINING, SAILING: Prerequisite: GSUSA Small Craft Safety Training 25-minute video. Access online in gsLearn.
This class is designed for beginner sailors and those who would like to refresh their sailing knowledge. It involves participation in three separate sessions. The in-town session on 6/8 from 6-9 pm and the at-camp sessions on 6/12 from 8 am-noon and 4-7 pm.
At the in-town session, you will gain the skills needed to take a group of girls sailing, including teaching girls how to sail, troubleshooting, sailing terminology, points of sail, practical knot skills, and care of the boats.
The at-camp sessions cover basic water rescue skills, how to rig and maneuver a sailboat, how to manage the boat in high and low winds, and what to do in the event of capsizing.
Note: Both the in-town and at-camp sessions are required.
Participants are encouraged to bring their own U.S. Coastguard approved PFD/lifejacket, otherwise, one will be provided to you during training.
*On the weekend of June 12/13, participants have the option to complete additional Small Craft Safety courses, with canoeing on June 12 and moving water on June 13. Individual registration for each course is required.
Other Info
In-Town Session
Fee: $10
6-9 pm
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri Service Center
and At-Camp Session Sa 6/12*
8 am-noon & 4-7 pm Camp Tuckaho
GIRL SCOUTS SMALL CRAFT SAFETY TRAINING, MOVING WATER: Prerequisite: Girl Scouts Small Craft Safety Training: Canoe
In this course you will learn how to navigate a river, additional rescue skills and paddling strokes.
Participants will meet at Camp Fiddlecreek to briefly go over course materials, and then move to another location for the river float. In the event of bad weather or high water, this course will be canceled, and participants will receive a full refund.
Participants are encouraged to bring their own U.S. Coastguard approved PFD/lifejacket, otherwise, one will be provided to you during training.
*On the weekend of June 12/13, participants have the option to complete additional Small Craft Safety courses, with canoeing and the at-camp sailing session on June 12 and moving water on June 13. Individual registration for each course is required.
Su Su
6/13* 8/22
9 am-4 pm Camp Fiddlecreek 9 am-4 pm Camp Fiddlecreek
Fee: $40 Fee: $40
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