Spring 2020 Lead & Learn
Troop Camping 101—online, girlscoutsem.org/training
Introduction to Eastern Missouri Camps—online girlscoutsem.org/training
Troop Camping Information Packet (TCIP) Review—online girlscoutsem.org/training
Standard Camp Unit Checkout—online, girlscoutsem.org/training
TROOP CAMP BLITZ: Girls and their leaders are invited to come to Troop Camp Blitz, an enriching weekend where they can explore the outdoors, practice leadership skills, have fun and make memories. Adult volunteers may attend Troop Camp Blitz with or without girls. Girls who attend must be a registered Girl Scout Daisy through Junior. Trainees receive one coupon per troop for a free weekend at camp based on availability. Only one coupon per troop may be redeemed. Troops who bring four or more girls to camp should provide an adult helper. This adult helper will assist with girl program stations throughout the weekend. Each troop should have at least one person being trained.
Prerequisites: See above. Trainers may assign additional pre-course work.
Note: Trainees must participate in both the in-town training session and the at-camp training session in their entirety to receive their Troop Camp certification.
Fees are due at registration.
Other Info
In-Town Session (Adults only)
Fee: $25 adults Fee: $60 girls
W 4/22
6-9 pm
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri Service Center
and At-Camp Session (Adults and girls) F-Su 5/1-5/3 6:30 pm, F-10:30 am, Su
Camp Fiddlecreek
This icon identifies which adult courses help complete a certification.
girlscoutsem.org 41 Adult Courses
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