Spring 2020 Lead & Learn
Learning On Demand
Online courses allow troop leaders and volunteers access to Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri training from anywhere, at any time. Everyone can learn at their own pace, on their own schedule. Check out these e-courses, using Google Chrome, at girlscoutsem.org/training .
New Leader Prep Series Online Courses
Camp Courses
Core Curriculum
Introduction to Eastern Missouri Camps
It’s Your Journey - Map It!
PART 1 – New Troop Leader
This training content helps troop leaders feel more confident as they guide Girl Scouts through Journeys at each Girl Scout program level.
New Troop Leader Training is designed to help troop volunteers become comfortable in their new role by providing an overview of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, the basic structure of a troop meeting and examples of proactive planning.
This e-course is a prerequisite for Troop Camping and provides a virtual tour of Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri’s three camp properties, the awesome activities available at each camp and what you need to do to take your girls camping! This is a prerequisite for any Troop Camp course.
Girl Scout Bronze Award
The course will walk you through the essential information needed to lead and advise your troop to successfully earn their Girl Scout Bronze Award.
PART 2 – Troop Money Managemen t
Standard Camp Unit Check-out
This course offers all the information and tips you need when opening a troop bank account, building your troop treasury and completing the Troop Year-End Report.
Girl Scout Silver Award
Take this course to learn the procedures involved with closing a camp unit. This is a prerequisite for any Troop Camp course.
The course will walk you through the essential information needed to lead and advise your troop to successfully earn their Girl Scout Silver Award.
PART 3 – Program Level
Troop Camping Information Packet (TCIP) Review
This training content helps troop leaders guide Girl Scouts through developmental stages and provide them with the best Girl Scout experience possible, based on age- appropriate interests, abilities and needs. Choose the program level most relevant to your troop.
This online course reviews the information in the TCIP. This is a prerequisite for any Troop Camp course.
Troop Camping 101
Get to know the basics of taking your troop camping with this course. This is a prerequisite for any Troop Camp Course.
34 Spring 2020 Lead & Learn
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