Spring 2020 Lead & Learn
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri offers patch programs and awards that cover a wide range of topics and provide unique learning experiences for girls. Patch program booklets and activities are available online at girlscoutsem.org/patchprograms or in the Emerson Resource Center. Once girls have completed the activities, troop leaders or parents/guardians purchase or pick up patches at the Girl Scout Shop. AWESOME PATCH PROGRAMS FOR YOUR TROOP
Disability Awareness Patch Program for Girl Scout Brownies In partnership with Envolve, Girl Scouts created an enriching patch program for Girl Scout Brownies. Girls learn the importance of people-first language and inclusivity.
Hands on Banking Patch Program for all grade levels Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri partners with Wells Fargo to offer
the Hands On Banking Patch Program. Girls participating in the program gain the resources and knowledge on how to set goals and become financially responsible. This patch program is open to all Girl Scout levels. The full curriculum is available on our website at girlscoutsem.org/patchprograms .
Girl Scouts will mail a free Envolve Disability Awareness Patch Program kit to Brownie troops. Kits include easy-to- follow plans including tips for discussion starters, supply lists and parent/guardian guides. Brownie kits include an interactive journal for each girl. Upon completion, each girl receives a free patch. Kits will be mailed directly to parents or troop leaders. To learn more and receive a free kit, contact Lucretia Penn, 314.592.2337 or lpenn@girlscoutsem.org.
18 Spring 2020 Lead & Learn
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