Our Promise, June 2021

Women’s Leadership Network

Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri’s Women’s Leadership Network When women come together for a common goal, they are unstoppable. Through the Women’s Leadership Network, members connect with each other and help Girl Scouts reach all girls, everywhere. Celebration Luncheon

(WLN) is more than a program —it is a community. As the premier women’s network in the region, the WLN provides women the

Please join us on July 14, 2021 for the annual Women’s Leadership Network Celebration Luncheon—this year celebrated virtually! This fun and inspiring event will bring supporters together across the region to support our Girl Scouts’ big dreams and bright futures! Throughout the event, we will showcase how Girl Scouts “see what they can be” through mentorship and programs. Attendees will enjoy a delivered lunch and hear testimonies from Girls Scouts and their mentors involved in the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Together, we can empower the next generation of female leaders as they discover their potential is limitless!

opportunity to support one another on their own leadership journeys while working with Girl Scouts to encourage and inspire the next generation of leaders, today’s Girl Scouts. “The WLN grew from a seed,” says WLN president, Jenny Bartlow. “It was this idea of having a forum for women, who weren’t typically engaged with Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri, to get connected with our girls and programs. What emerged was a diverse community of women who came together to share common experiences, both personally and professionally, and become more involved with Girl Scouts to give of their time, talent and treasure.” The WLN is open to all adult women in the region and there is no fee to join the network. Featuring several networking events throughout the year, the popular Mindful Mornings are scheduled quarterly and feature round-table discussions on a variety of leadership topics. “I love the positive energy, passion for fostering our future leaders and support for each other that each and every woman who is involved in the WLN brings,” says Bartlow. “That’s why I’ve chosen to be, and stay, involved in this premier women’s organization.” To learn more about the WLN, please visit girlscoutsem.org/wln or contact Kate Tichelkamp, Director of Fund Development at ktichelkamp@girlscoutsem.org or 314.592.2373.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021 noon-1 pm Virtual Event on Zoom

Visit girlscoutsem.org/celebrationluncheon for more details or to register online.

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