GSEM Volunteer Essentials
X. Community Events Girls may participate in community events such as parades, city observances, etc., but shall not take part in political or controversial parades, demonstrations, or similar events or in any activities that contravene the laws governing tax-exempt organizations. The use of the “Girl Scouts” name in other community fundraising activities (i.e. walks, runs) is prohibited. XI. Policy Prohibiting Weapons The primary concern of Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri (“GSEM”) is to safeguard the safety and best interests of itsmembers. As such, this Policy ProhibitingWeapons (“Policy”) is applicable to all GSEM’s activities and properties: A. In order to ensure the safety and well-being of all members, no person may possess firearms, concealed firearms, knives, or any other object or instrument with the primary use or purpose of inflicting harm (hereafter, “weapons” or “weapon”) on any private property leased or owned by GSEM or during any GSEM activity or program. 1 Some GSEM activities and programs might involve objects or instruments that could otherwise be considered “weapons”. This policy does not prohibit the use of an object or instrument that is authorized for use as part of a GSEM sanctioned activity or program, such as knives used in a cooking activity. B. All private property leased or owned by GSEM shall be posted as being off-limits to weapons. Such posting shall consist of one or more signs displayed in a conspicuous place of a minimum size of eleven inches by fourteen inches with the writing thereon in letters of not less than one inch. C. If a weapon is used unlawfully, recklessly, or in any manner causing personal injury, the individual in charge of the activity or event (and/or Council staff if present) must immediately call 911. After notifying 911, the leader of the activity or event should notify Council staff about the incident immediately or delegate this communication to someone else to do simultaneously. D. If an individual is in possession of a weapon at any property leased or owned by GSEM or during a GSEM activity or program on such other property that has been properly posted as being off limits to weapons, and the individual is not using that weapon in a manner proscribed by subsection 3 of this Policy, such person shall be denied entry and immediately asked to remove and safely store such weapon in a locked, secure area away from the premises. If such person refuses, they shall be asked to leave the premises. If such person refuses to leave the premises, the individual in charge of the activity or event and/or Council staff immediately shall contact local law enforcement. In the event the individual in possession of the weapon is a child, and the individual is not using that weapon in a manner proscribed by subsection 3 of this Policy, the child’s caregiver shall be contacted immediately and asked to remove and safely store such weapon in a locked, secure area away from the premises. If the caregiver cannot immediately comply, the activity or program leader shall take possession of the weapon, if the leader may safely do so, until the child’s caregiver arrives at the activity or program. E. In the event of any incident involving a weapon during a GSEM activity or program, including any violation of subsection 3 or 4 above, the leader of the activity or event and/or applicable Council staff should complete an incident report and send that incident report to the Senior Manager, Risk Management and/or the Director of Risk Management as soon as possible. 2 Risk Management staff will convene relevant staff and volunteers as soon as possible after the incident to review the incident, and determine any further steps that might need to be taken. 1 This prohibition shall not apply to law enforcement officers authorized to carry a firearm under RSMo. § 571.030.2. 2 Incident report forms are found on the GSEM web site here: redesign/documents/Standard_Incident_Report_Form.pdf
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