GSEM Volunteer Essentials
working with girls. This includes meetings, trips and other outings. Please keep in mind that information from a health examination is confidential and may be shared only with people who must know this information (such as the girl herself, her parent/guardian, a First Aider, or a health professional). It is important to be aware of any medications a girl may take or allergies she may have. Keep in mind the following: • Medication, including over-the-counter products, must never be dispensed without prior written permission from a girl’s custodial parent or guardian. The written permission should be attached to the girl’s health history form • Some girls may need to carry and administer their own medications, such as bronchial inhalers, an EpiPen or diabetes medication. Parents/guardians must provide documentation that it is acceptable for the girl to self-administer the medications Parents/guardians who object to immunizations or medical examinations should contact the Senior Manager, Risk Management at council to determine what provisions can be made for their girl to attend Girl Scout activities in a way that accommodates their concerns. The amount of information required on a health history will depend upon the level of risk of the activity. For most troop activities, general statements about health such as allergies, food restrictions or other emergency care information will be required. For higher-risk activities such as horseback riding, rock climbing or Resident Camp, a more detailed health history may be required. 1. At the beginning of each Girl Scout year, have parents/guardians complete a Girl Health History and Annual Permission form. Shred all health information from the prior year. 2. Volunteers should keep girls’ health histories nearby at all times, but should not allow girls or other parents to review them unless the parent/volunteer is an official capacity as a First Aider. All volunteers are expected to always maintain confidentiality of a girl or adult health history. Adult Activity Waiver (VP-84) To ensure the health and safety of adults participating in Girl Scout events, trainings, and programs, the Adult Activity Waiver, VP-84 is available. This form is used in all situations except for Resident Camp when an adult volunteer or paid staff must submit a Resident Camp Staff Health Form. Adults may choose to provide health information describing any treatment, restrictions or accommodations important to their participation in an activity by completing and signing the Adult Activity Waiver. This information is provided to the event leadership and/or First Aider or other health personnel. Summary of Health History Use Girl Health History and Annual Permission Form (F-57) This form is required for girls to participate in Girl Scout meetings and activities.
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