GSEM Employee Handbook 2022-2023
ANTI-CHILD ABUSE Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri supports and maintains environments that are free of child abuse and neglect. If an employee or applicant for employment has been convicted of child abuse, child neglect or any other child-related crime, Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri will initiate an individualized assessment based on, among other permissible factors, the work to be performed by the applicant or employee, to determine whether the conviction warrants rejection of an employment application or termination of employment. Local, state or federal statutes that are more stringent may supersede the Organization’s policies. If you are under investigation for child abuse or neglect or any crime against a child, you are required to report this information to the Chief Human Resources Officer within three (3) days of notification you are being investigated. Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri neither condones nor tolerates the following or any substantially similar conduct: • Infliction of physically abusive behavior or bodily injury upon children • Physical neglect of children, including failure to provide adequate safety measures, care and supervision in relation to Girl Scout activities, or • Emotional maltreatment of children, including verbal abuse and/or verbal attacks; or, substantially similar conduct. If an employee is under investigation for child abuse or neglect or any other child-related crime, the Council, in its sole discretion, may prohibit the employee from having contact with children in connection with their Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri activities. The Council is committed to preventing child abuse and neglect, and complying with child abuse and neglect reporting requirements under state law. Missouri statues and regulations enforces by the Missouri Department of Social Services provide: “If any person with responsibility for the care of children has reasonable cause to suspect a child has been or may be subjected to abuse or neglect or observes a child being subjected to conditions or circumstances which would reasonably result in abuse or neglect, that person shall immediately report to the division.” Girl Scout employees are required to complete annual child abuse and neglect prevention training provided by the Council. All states require certain professionals and institutions to report suspected child abuse. Failure to report suspected child abuse can result in criminal and/or civil liability. All states require the report is made to some type of law enforcement authority or child protection agency. Reporting to a parent or relative will not satisfy the reporter’s legal duty under the statutes. If you believe child abuse or neglect has occurred, or if a child self-reports, call the Missouri State 24-hour hotline at 1.800.392.3738 and the Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri Senior Manager, Risk Management at 314.592.2300. ANTI-NEPOTISM No employee, prospective employee, or applicant will be denied employment or the benefits of employment solely based on kinship with another employee. However, related employees cannot work in positions in which one employee can influence the work of the other or is in the management chain of the other employee, as determined by the Chief Executive Officer. This policy does not apply to seasonal camp staff employees. In this context, a related employee could be an immediate family member, extended family member, someone residing in the same household, or a domestic partner.
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