GSEM Employee Handbook 2022-2023

Step 1: Counseling and a verbal warning The manager of an employee will bring attention to an existing performance issue. The manager will discuss with the employee the nature of the problem or the violation of Council policies and procedures. The manager will document the date and nature of the conversation. Step 2: Written warning The manager of an employee will provide documentation of the performance issue in a discussion with the employee. This is an opportunity for management to outline the consequences for the employee of their continued failure to meet performance expectations. Step 3: Suspension and/or final written warning If work performance continues to not meet expectations, the employee will receive a final warning identifying expectations and further consequences. Depending on the seriousness of the infraction, an employee may be suspended without pay in full-day increments consistent with federal, state and local wage-and-hour employment laws. Pay may be restored to the employee if an investigation of the incident or infraction absolves the employee. Step 4: Termination of employment The last and most serious step in the progressive discipline procedure is termination of employment. The Council reserves the right to combine and skip steps depending on the circumstances of each situation and the nature of offense. Employees may be terminated without prior notice or disciplinary action. Nothing in this policy provides any contractual rights regarding employee discipline or counseling, nor should anything in this policy be read or construed as modifying or altering the employment-at-will relationship between the Council and its employees. EMPLOYEE RECORDS ACCESS/REFERENCE REPLIES A current employee desiring to review their file may make an appointment with the Human Resources Department. It is the Council’s policy to only verify name, position title, employment status (i.e., full-time, seasonal, etc.) and dates of employment when receiving reference requests. Salary information may be verified if quoted as part of a financial or credit check in which the employee has provided a signed authorization to release such information. Only Human Resources or Payroll personnel are authorized to answer such requests.

FREEDOM FROM VIOLENCE IN THE WORKPLACE It is the goal of the Council to prevent workplace violence to maintain a safe work environment.

The Council will not tolerate workplace violence of any type, from any source. The following guidelines have been adopted to address intimidation, harassment, or other threats of or actual violence that may occur onsite or offsite during work-related activities. Expected Conduct It is the responsibility of each employee to help make the Council a safe workplace for all of us. The expectation is that each employee will treat all other employees, as well as members, customers, or others, with courtesy and respect.


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