GSEM Employee Handbook 2022-2023
Further, retaliation against anyone who has reported a good faith allegation of harassment or sexual harassment, or who has participated in an investigation of alleged sexual harassment is prohibited, and if retaliation occurs, will be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Mandatory Reporting Required The Council takes seriously complaints of harrassment and/or discrimination. The Council wil make every effort to investigate such complains promptly and completely. Any employee who thinks they have been subjected to unlawful harassment, discrimination, or retaliation should report it immediately. These reports must be made to one (or more) of the following: • Chief Human Resources Officer; or • Chief Executive Officer; or • Any Manager It may be appropriate for the offended employee to tell the offender to stop the unwelcome behavior(s) before filing a complaint, but this is not required if the employee is uncomfortable doing so. Preserving a workplace free of harassment is the responsibility of all employees. If an employee observes or is otherwise made aware of possible sexual or other harassment of another employee, member, vendor, or anyone else in the workplace, they are to report this immediately to one of the persons described above. Any manager or other employee made aware of any report or complaint of harassment, or of any unlawful discrimination or retaliation, must report the complaint immediately to the Chief Human Resources Officer or the Chief Executive Officer. SOCIAL MEDIA The use of social media presents risks and carries with it responsibilities. For purposes of this policy, “social media” includes, but is not limited to, any facility for online publication and commentary, including without limitation to online social networks, blogs, news groups, personal websites, chat rooms, web journals or diaries, web message boards and any other form of electronic communication. This policy applies to any form of personal social media, including without limitation postings outside of work hours and through non-GSEM computer systems. If employees have questions or need further guidance regarding appropriate social media use, they should contact the Human Resources team. To assist employees in making responsible decisions with respect to the use of social media, Girl Scouts has established the following guidelines for appropriate use of social media: • Be aware of and comply with all applicable Girl Scouts policies, including but not limited to: Non- Discrimination, Confidentiality and Internet Access. The same principles and guidelines found in this handbook apply to your activities online. • Express only personal opinions and never represent yourself as a spokesperson for Girl Scouts. If Girls Scouts is the subject of the content an employee is creating online, the employee must be clear and open about the fact they are an employee of Girl Scouts and their views do not represent those of Girl Scouts, the employee’s colleagues, clients, or others working on behalf of Girl Scouts. It is best for employees to include a disclaimer on any such content such as “the postings on this site are my own and do not reflect the views of Girl Scouts”. • Be respectful. Employees should be fair and courteous to others, and thoughtful about how other employees, Girl Scouts, and the public may react to or be affected by social media postings. • Do not create links from your blog, website, or other social networking site to Girl Scouts’ website without identifying yourself as an employee of Girl Scouts. Avoid using statements about Girl Scouts, its operations, or any of its products, services, or other Council employees that could be viewed as malicious, obscene, threatening, or intimidating, or that might constitute harassment, bullying or other inappropriate or unlawful conduct. • Maintain the confidentiality of Girl Scouts’ private or confidential information, including information regarding
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