Fall 2024 Lead & Learn

Your Girl Scout Adult Education Team

Shaun Lindhoff Adult Education Coordinator

Eric Webster Adult Education Coordinator

Libby Kindle Adult Education Coordinator

Welcome to the Fall 2024 Lead & Learn!

Next, GSUSA created a fantastic series of online courses for new troop leaders and assistant leaders called the New Leader Onboarding series (see pg. 43 for details). We encourage all leaders, whether new or experienced, to check out these new courses in gsLearn. We believe they will provide additional learning opportunities for volunteers. And finally, look for updates and tweaks to many of our regular online and in-person courses. For instance, the online course Rallyhood Basics is getting a complete overhaul, all Adult & Pediatric First Aid, CPR/AED courses will now last 30 minutes longer, and several courses will receive updated GSEM policies in the instructional materials. Continuous improvement is the name of the game in Adult Education, which we couldn’t do without your feedback, especially through the online Adult Education surveys that accompany each GSEM-created course in gsLearn.

Happy fall! Welcome to the Fall 2024 edition of Lead & Learn , filled with all the best courses to support your biggest Girl Scout adventures. Let’s make plans to gather around the campfire on a pleasantly chilly night, singing songs and munching on Girl Scout Cookies and Treats & Reads goodies. Adult Education has several tasty projects simmering in a pot over the fire that we can’t wait to share with you. First, we’re reimagining our council trainer program, bringing back a few pieces from years past and creating a streamlined path to become certified as an instructor for our council. The overarching goal of the council trainer program is to educate our adult volunteers to the highest standard through consistent, quality instruction. To achieve this, we’re creating a blended-learning course that all new and experienced council trainers will complete, followed by shadowing or co-teaching with experienced instructors. This will ensure that all council trainers start off with the same toolbox of teaching best practices and Adult Education processes, and have the opportunity to receive valuable feedback from peers. To build a true community of council trainers, we plan to hold annual gatherings to share updates and provide continuing education. Watch for updates on our progress in the Adult Education rally in Rallyhood.

P.S.—If you haven’t joined the Adult Education rally yet, turn to pg. 4 for the link.

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