Fall 2023 Lead & Learn
Fall 2023
Getting Started
Troop Camping and Outdoor Skills Required certification courses for volunteers who wish to take their troops camping on or off GSEM properties, along with outdoor skills courses to enhance your camping experience. Troop Management Important courses for new or seasoned troop leaders or other troop support volunteers to help them safely and effectively manage their troops with confidence. Program Levels Program levels follow course titles. Adults working with the level indicated would benefit the most from the course. Seniors and Ambassadors are welcome to attend courses in this publication, but are not able to access online courses in gsLearn. They would register as an adult. A caregiver may register a Senior or Ambassador Girl Scout by contacting the Answer Center at 314.400.4600. gsLearn Course Prefixes All courses and learning paths in gsLearn begin with either 548 or GSUSA. 548 is the council number for GSEM, and courses or learning paths that begin with the 548 prefix were created by our council. GSUSA stands for Girl Scouts of the USA, our national organization. Courses or learning paths that begin with the GSUSA prefix were created by GSUSA for use by councils across the country. In the Lead & Learn course listings, these prefixes are omitted for clarity. Courses and learning paths created by GSUSA are noted with (GSUSA) at the the end of the course title. Financial Aid To apply for an adult education scholarship, applicants must complete an Adult Education Course Registration and Scholarship Application at girlscoutsem.org/financialaid and submit both to the Answer Center.
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri fully embraces virtual learning to make volunteer training convenient and accessible to as many people as possible. Because our volunteers’ time is valuable, we hope to create more blended-learning opportunities for our skills based courses, so that volunteers may complete the knowledge portion of the course online at their convenience while completing skills practice in person. We know that in-person training and adult programs provide a sense of community that many of our adult members enjoy, and these in-person experiences will still be part of our adult learning curriculum. Our goal is to build upon this and expand our curriculum to include more online courses and live virtual events so that we can efficiently and effectively reach the widest audience possible within our council and help our volunteers achieve their learning goals. Courses are grouped in the following categories: Archery Includes USA Archery Level 1 and Level 2 Instructor courses, and outlines the USA Archery procedures for course registration. Badges, Journeys, Awards and Patches Helpful courses to make getting started with Journeys, the latest Badge and patch programs and Girl Scouts Highest Awards easy. Camp and Service Team Volunteers Courses for volunteers and staff who serve at GSEM camps as well as those who want to develop further in their district or neighborhood leadership roles. First Aid, CPR and Mental Wellness Valuable and potentially live-saving courses offered through the American Red Cross, the National Council for Mental Wellbeing and GSUSA. Product Programs Essential courses for Treats & Reads and Cookie Program managers, both at the troop level and for Service Team roles. Technology and Platforms Courses to help volunteers navigate the technology and online platforms used at GSEM.
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