Fall 2023 Lead & Learn

Fall 2023

Camp Supervisor Training

Certification Course

Level: All

Course Description: This course is required for volunteers who want to be a Camp Supervisor at Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri camps. Participants learn how to effectively communicate with council staff and campers, coordinate camp program activities and follow Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri policies and procedures. After completing this course, participants are required to serve an apprenticeship with an experienced Camp Supervisor. Prerequisites: Camp Supervisors must be certified in Adult and Pediatric First Aid, CPR/AED and be Troop Camp-certified through Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri. Bring proof of certifications to the course. Course Registration: Register for this course by opening the course in the Content Library, selecting Start This Course, and clicking Register next to the desired date.





Fri. 9/22-Sun. 9/24 7 pm, Fri.-3 pm, Sun.


Camp Tuckaho

Fri. 3/8-Sun. 3/10 7 pm, Fri.-3 pm, Sun.


Camp Tuckaho

Cooking for Crowds at Camp

Certification Course

Level: All

Course Description: This course is required for adult volunteers who wish to use dining hall kitchens at Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri camps. A minimum of one adult volunteer per kitchen crew must be certified in Cooking for Crowds at Camp. Participants learn policies and procedures for operating and cleaning the facilities, equipment, and appliances. Practical hands-on experience is a key component of this course. Lunch is provided—just bring a drink to class! Course Registration: Register for this course by opening the course in gsLearn, selecting Start This Course, and following the direct link to gsEvents for the desired date, or by searching in gsEvents.





Sat. 9/16 Sat. 5/11

9:30 am-2:30 pm $8 9:30 am-2:30 pm $8

Camp Tuckaho Camp Tuckaho

Cultural Assets Archives 101 (GSUSA)

Level: All

Course Description: Calling all Girl Scout history buffs and future archivists! This is no scrapbooking class— learn how to handle and conserve archival objects and documents and apply archival best practices to your work and storage spaces in this new course from GSUSA. Learn to identify areas of your own archives that need attention and organization, and understand how to leverage your personal Girl Scout collections with our council. This 25-minute course is also great for anyone interested archiving personal memorabilia from any topic of interest.

Course Registration: Course available in the Content Library in gsLearn.

22 Lead & Learn Fall 2023

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