Fall 2022 Inspire Discovery

Brick-or-Treat with LEGO Master Oct. 23 Start: 5 pm End: 6:30 pm $20 per Girl Scout; addtl. $10 for optional LEGO add-on

Offered to: Cadettes | Seniors | Ambassadors Grades 6-12 Build along with Fox’s LEGO Masters star Jessica Ewud in this interactive and creative program. Girl Scouts will learn about making art with LEGO and use their imagination to create a BOO-tiful creation of their own. Learn brick tips, tricks, and lingo from this master builder while celebrating spooky season! Registration includes a fun patch.

Location: Virtual

Max Girl Scouts: 100 Registration Deadline: Oct. 3

Offered to: Brownie Grades 2-3 Girl Scouts should treat outdoor spaces with kindness and encourage others to do the same. During this badge program, Brownies will learn new ways to protect nature and the living things in it.

Eco Friend Oct. 25 Start: 6 pm End: 7:30 pm $10 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 180 Registration Deadline: Oct. 4

Girl Scout Brownies will earn their Eco Friend Badge.

Location: Virtual

Offered to: Junior Grades 4-5 During this program, Girl Scouts will discover the basics of cybersecurity by exploring how computers talk to each other. They will understand more about computer communication protocols and create their own protocols as well. And, we will uncover more about malware and how they can protect their devices—and themselves—when they go online.

Junior Cybersecurity Basics Oct. 26 Start: 6 pm End: 7:30 pm $10 per Girl Scout

Girl Scout Juniors will earn their Cybersecurity Basics Badge

Location: Virtual

Max Girl Scouts: 120 Registration Deadline: Oct. 5

Offered to: Cadette Grades 6-8 Whether you realize it or not, you probably have political issues you’re passionate about. Maybe you’re determined to spread the word about climate change, or maybe you want to improve the lives of your city’s homeless veterans. If you want to make a difference, start by understanding how government works and learn how you can become an informed and involved citizen!

Democracy for Cadettes Oct. 27 Start: 6 pm End: 7:30 pm

Girl Scout Cadettes will earn their Democracy Badge.

$10 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 75 Registration Deadline: Oct. 13

Location: Virtual

52 Inspire Discovery Fall 2022

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