Fall 2022 Inspire Discovery
September 2022 ./Oct. 0 2
Brownie Digital Leadership Patch Sept. 1 Start: 6 pm End: 7:30 pm $5 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 20 Registration Deadline: Aug. 18 Girl Scouts Love State Parks Sept. 9-11 Start: 7 pm, Sept. 9 End: 10-11 am, Sept. 11 $40 per person, includes lodging, state park activities, patch and SWAP Max campers: 50 per camp Registration Deadline: Aug. 26 Girl Scouts Love State Parks - Johnson’s Shut Ins State Park Sept. 10-11 Start: 9 am, Sat. End: 10-11 am, Sun. $10 per person Registration Deadline: Aug. 26 A Day With the Daisies Sept. 10 Start: 10 am End: noon OR Start: 1 pm End: 3 pm $10 per Girl Scout or adult Max Girl Scouts: 40 Max adults: 40 Registration Deadline: Aug. 27
Offered to: Brownie Grades 2-3 Brownies will have the opportunity to earn a special Digital Leadership patch and learn more about digital leadership. By earning this patch, they’ll be on their way to discovering how to make both the real and digital world a better place!
Girl Scout Brownies will earn their Digital Leadership Patch.
Location: Berges Family Girl Scout Program Center, 2300 Ball Dr., St. Louis 63146
Offered to: Daisy | Brownie | Junior | Cadette | Senior | Ambassador Grades K-12 Girl Scouts and their families or troops can experience Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri’s camp properties and a Missouri State Park all in one weekend! • Camp Cedarledge with a Saturday visit to Mastodon State Historic Site
• Camp Fiddlecreek with a Saturday visit to Babler State Park • Camp Tuckaho with a Saturday visit to Cuivre River State Park
Troops and/or families must provide adult/girl ratio for event. All meals will be the responsibility of the troop/family. Troops and/or families will be placed in a lodge or tent unit for the weekend at each camp. Troops must provide a Licensed Troop Camper at camp and their own transportation to and from the state parks.
Location: Locations listed above
Offered to: Daisy | Brownie | Junior | Cadette | Senior | Ambassador Grades K-12 Participants and their families will enjoy activities from Missouri Department of Conservation and other agencies at this event. Camping is available for troops/families, visit the Missouri State Parks website to sign up for camping. Includes Girl Scouts Love State Parks patch and special swap.
Location: Johnson’s Shut-Ins State Park, 148 Taum Sauk Trail, Middle Brook 63656
Offered to: Daisy Grades K-1 Celebrate Girl Scouts Love State Parks Weekend at Route 66 State Park! Join us for a crafts, snacks, and a short hike as we explore the history and outdoor charm that makes our state parks so wonderful.
Location: Route 66 State Park, Eureka 63025
46 Inspire Discovery Fall 2022
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