Fall 2022 Inspire Discovery

New! Slingshots at Camp Target sports can foster teamwork, responsibility, and focus while teaching important life lessons. Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri is excited to introduce a new activity to camp! Slingshots will be making a debut at all three camps in November 2022 for Daisies through Ambassadors! Troops camping during an activity staffed weekend November through March will be able to sign up for slingshots. Not camping during an activity staffed weekend? Be looking for Target Sports programs being offered in Spring 2023!

Activity Staff Weekends

fall 2022 | discover

Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri is committed to providing troops with opportunities to experience all that camp has to offer. We provide staff certified in various activities on select weekends each month to enhance the troop camping experience. These activities are offered to troops with camp unit reservations, including day shelters, on the scheduled program dates. Two months before their camping reservation date, troops are sent a link from the Camp Department to sign up for activities. Troops are given three weeks to sign up for activities, choosing up to two activities per camper. Sign-ups are on a first-come, first-serve basis. For the full list of activities offered and the dates and locations of each activity weekend, please visit our website at girlscoutsem.org and look for the Activity Staff Weekends heading on the Troop Camp page.

Need help making a Troop Camping reservation? Contact the Answer Center at 314.400.4600 or answercenter@girlscoutsem.org for assistance.

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