Fall 2022 Inspire Discovery

What will you discover this fall? A world of possibilities await with the 2022 new badge opportunities! Meet the new badges below and then check out the program section beginning on pg. 46 to see our full list of program offerings where Girl Scouts will have the opportunity to earn the new badges!

New for 2022!

Daisy Petals The NEW Daisy petal badges introduce Girl Scout values to Daisies through engaging, hands-on activities. Each petal badge focuses on a different line of the Girl Scout Law. Activities include one or more of the Girl Scout pillars: STEM, Life Skills, Outdoors, and Entrepreneurship. Some activities introduce Daisies to global concepts, while others help Daisies think about their place in the world and how they make the world a better place. Daisies in eastern Missouri can earn the petal badges through our Daisy Drop Box program, visit girlscoutsem.org/daisydropbox to learn more!

STEM Badges One badge per level for Daisies, Seniors, and Ambassadors

Like the existing Brownie, Junior, and Cadette STEM Career Exploration badges, Girl Scouts at each level explore their passions and interests to find out how they want to make a difference in the world with STEM. Daisies explore the four areas of STEM and learn about related careers. Seniors and Ambassadors learn about six different STEM fields (Computer Science, Engineering, Nature and the Environment, Creative Technology and Design, Health and Wellness, and Food and Agriculture), explore their career paths, and take the first steps toward their future in STEM.

10 Inspire Discovery Fall 2022

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