Fall 2022 Inspire Discovery
Fall 2022
Inspire Discovery
Registration opens Aug. 24!
2 Inspire Discovery Fall 2022
take action
Bonnie’s Notes Her Future is Our Future Update DEI Commitment Scholarships
5 6 8 9
30 32 34 36
Meet the Highest Awards Bronze Award
Silver Award Gold Award
New 2022 Badges Girl Scouts GO: Run for the Cookies Community Service Patch Programs
10 12 14 15 16 20 21 22 24
Program Registration Ways to Participate Program Listing
43 44 46
Product Programs Program Partners Travel Robotics Camp
Inspire Discovery Fall 2022 3
Inspire Discovery
2022 Fall Issue With support from dedicated adult volunteers, parents and staff, Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri (GSEM) delivers the Girl Scout experience to girls and adults in eastern Missouri, which includes St. Louis City and the 28 surrounding Missouri counties of Adair, Audrain (Van-Far School District), Clark, Crawford, Franklin, Iron, Jefferson, Knox, Lewis, Lincoln, Linn, Macon, Marion, Monroe, Pike, Putnam, Ralls, Reynolds, Schuyler, Scotland, Shelby, St. Charles, St. Francois, St. Louis, Ste. Genevieve, Sullivan, Warren and Washington.
Inspire Discovery is an bi-annual publication of Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri.
Bonnie Barczykowski Chief Executive Officer
Kelly Daleen Chief Marketing and Membership Officer
Would you like to receive our monthly e-newsletter and other GSEM updates via email? To ensure you receive these updates please login to your MyGS account, click on the “Family Profile” tab and make sure the “Email Opt In” box is checked and that the email address we have on file is accurate.
314.400.4600 answercenter@girlscoutsem.org
Danielle Washington Chief Program Officer Julie Cubbage Chief Financial Officer
GSEM Service Center 2300 Ball Drive St. Louis, MO 63146
Janine Lawler Chief Fund Development Officer Amber Overton Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer Kathy Mack Chief Human Resources Officer
Camp Cedarledge Pevely, MO Camp Fiddlecreek Labadie, MO
Camp Tuckaho Troy, MO
Editorial Inquiries communications@ girlscoutsem.org
Zero-Tolerance Sexual Abuse, Physical Abuse and Molestation Policy
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri has zero tolerance for any instances of sexual abuse, physical abuse, and/or molestation of any individual. Any staff member, volunteer, or independent contractor found to have engaged in any such activity will be terminated from their employment, volunteer role, and/or any other affiliation they have with Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri. Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri will also pursue any and all legal actions warranted in the event of an instance of sexual abuse, physical abuse, and/or molestation. For more information about this policy, see the Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri website at https://vr.girlscoutsem.org/sampolicy, or contact the Senior Manager, Risk Management.
If you have any concerns about, or need to report, an instance of sexual abuse, physical abuse, and/or molestation, contact the Senior Manager, Risk Management. If that person is not available, contact another Leadership Team staff member. Also remember that Missouri law states that if any person with the responsibility for the care of children has reasonable cause to suspect that a child has been or may be subjected to abuse or neglect or observes a child being subjected to conditions or circumstances which would reasonably result in abuse or neglect, that person shall immediately report to the Missouri Department of Social Services Children’s Division. Mandated reporters include Girl Scout volunteers and staff.
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Bonnie’s Notes Fun. Friendship. Her Big Future. Welcome Back to Girl Scouts!
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Bonnie Barczykowski Chief Executive Officer
Dear Girl Scout Families, Welcome back to Girl Scouts! As we embark on a new school year, I am grateful that you have chosen Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri as a vital experience for your child—one, a century in the making, that will grow and expand alongside her. To stay relevant and essential in our Girl Scouts’ lives, we are committed to listening to the realities they face. Because by anticipating the world they’ll live in tomorrow, we can prepare them to thrive today and in the future. As CEO I am often asked, what do Girl Scouts do? My answer: Anything they set their minds to! Whether they are discovering who they are, or what they love to do—no two Girl Scout journeys are the same, and I am inspired by every single one. From a Kindergarten Daisy discovering the tenets of the Girl Scout Promise and Law for the first time to a high school Gold Award Girl Scout who makes a lasting impact on her community—when there’s space for her dreams to grow, there’s no stopping where she’ll go. This fall, Girl Scouts of the USA released new program content in the areas of Financial Literacy, STEM Career Exploration and Global Citizenship for all grade levels and new Daisy petal badges for our youngest
members. Turn to pgs. 10-11 to learn more about these new badge opportunities and how they will help your Girl Scout discover new possibilities and develop integral skills. I also want to extend my deepest gratitude to our families who made a gift to the Her Future is Our Future Comprehensive Campaign. Your investment in our next generation is providing all girls in our region an opportunity to be the leader she wants to be. Turn the page for an update on a few of our capital projects currently underway and keep an eye out for updates each month in our member e-newsletter. I hope this fall issue of Inspire Discovery connects your family with exciting program and outdoor opportunities, and gets you prepared for another Girl Scout year. Today, tomorrow and beyond, Girl Scouts is the place where your girl can grow as a leader, and I can’t wait to see what she does next!
Yours in Girl Scouting,
Inspire Discovery Fall 2022 5
Her Future is Our Future Campaign Updates The Her Future is Our Future Campaign includes a detailed Camp Master Plan outlining aesthetic and structural renovations to each location that will enhance the outdoor experiences of Girl Scouts, while improving the safety and accessibility of the on-site facilities. The Camp Master Plan includes a wide range of projects that will be implemented over the next three to five years. Keep your eye out for our monthly e-newsletter which includes updates on additional projects.
Prairie Grass - Camp Fiddlecreek The development of the Prairie at Camp Fiddlecreek is underway! In July the layout of the prairie outside the Dining Hall Multi-Purpose Building at Camp Fiddlecreek was completed by Compass Native Landscape, the council’s partner on this project. There will be a 19,000 square-foot section in the middle of the prairie that will allow for a gathering area to be used for traditional events such as flag ceremonies and lunches on the hillside, as well as a sledding lane during winter snows. Play Experiences - Camps Cedarledge and Fiddlecreek Building on the success of the Spider Net Climber at Camp Fiddlecreek we are adding two new play structures: one at Fiddlecreek and one at Camp Cedarledge. These play structures will provide another destination where campers can go to have fun and make new friends. They will add a new element to a camper’s outdoor experience. Campers will use their imagination to play on the structures and try new things that they can do independently at their own pace. Trail System - Camp Cedarledge This summer the first step in the development of the trails at Camp Cedarledge was an assessment of the existing trails. The network of trails at Cedarledge encompasses over 5 miles of camp property. There are numerous points of interest, ecological sites and rock formations that are part of the system. The preservation of the unique ecological areas on the trail such as Elephant Rocks and Natural Bridge Trail will be enhanced with informational signs that will help campers learn along the way. Work on this network of trails will begin later this year.
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We hope you and your Girl Scout are getting excited about all that the Her Future is Our Future Comprehensive Campaign is making possible!
We are thrilled to share that Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri has raised $50 million in support of the Her Future is Our Future Comprehensive Campaign! We are excited about all that this campaign is making possible for our girls – capital improvements at our three camp properties; continuation and expansion of current programming as well as innovative new programming; scholarship assistance so that every girl has access to the Girl Scout leadership experience; and a significant investment in our endowment ensuring that Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri will be serving girls in our region for generations to come!
THANK YOU to everyone who has supported this campaign with time, talent and treasure! We are forever grateful for your investment. All campaign supporters are invited to join us for a Community Celebration featuring an afternoon of family-friendly camp fun and refreshments at Camp Fiddlecreek on Sun., Sept. 25. Watch your mailbox for your invitation or turn to pg. 48! If you haven’t had a chance to support the campaign, It’s NOT TOO LATE to be a part of this exciting moment in Girl Scout history – and thanks to Nance Frost’s extended “Dreaming Green” Challenge Match, every gift and pledge received between now and December 31, 2022 will be MATCHED dollar for dollar to put a big green Girl Scout bow on this already amazing gift for our girls! With a gift of $100 or more, your support will be recognized on the donor wall in the Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri Service Center. And with a gift or pledge of $1,200 or more, your family will be recognized with an engraved brick paver at your choice of our three camps!
Scan the QR code or visit girlscoutsem.org to donate today!
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For more than 100 years, our Girl Scout Law has called upon us to uphold principles such as honesty, fairness, caring, courage, and respect for self and others. Today, these same principles and Girl Scout Law guide our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion. Though much of our work has long been grounded in inclusion, we further formalized our commitment to this important work over the past year. As Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer, I am proud to lead our organization as we embed DEI not as a siloed pillar of our work, but as a foundational component within all that we do. As we evolve in our equity-based work, we will prioritize action within three key levels of our organization: 1. Our TeamMembers. Authentically engaging in diversity, equity, and inclusion requires that we first start internally, focusing on staff and leadership at GSEM. Through development of Employee Resource Groups, increased professional development opportunities, reevaluating policies, and more, our team continues to grow in our understanding as we collectively establish this work as an organizational priority. 2. Our Volunteers. More than 12,000 volunteers help Girl Scouts become stronger, kinder, and braver than they ever thought possible. Our dedicated volunteers each play an integral role in building a culture of inclusion, and we are committed to equipping them with the tools, resources, and knowledge needed to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion. Fostering a More Equitable and Inclusive GSEM Community
Amber Overton Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer
3. Most importantly, our Girl Scouts. As an organization committed to supporting all girls, everywhere, our ultimate goal is to ensure Girl Scouts of all backgrounds have equal and equitable access to the breadth of our programs and experiences. We know that building future leaders requires us to evolve in our understanding of how to best support today’s Girl Scouts. We look forward to continued opportunities to uplift and empower all our Girl Scouts, and we will provide support as they continue to make the world a better place.
We invite you to join us on our journey of fostering a more equitable and inclusive community within GSEM.
Learn more about our commitment to DEI at girlscoutsem.org/diversity.
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Girl Scouts is open to all girls and adults, regardless of ability to pay. Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri is committed to ensuring that every girl has access to the plethora of Girl Scout experiences and thanks to support from generous donors, will remove financial barriers to that access whenever possible. Visit girlscoutsem.org/financialaid for additional details and to easily complete the necessary forms online. Our Commitment to Removing Financial Barriers for Families
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We offer financial aid to cover the following expenses:
• Annual Membership Registration: Applicants will need to check the Financial Assistance box on the girl or adult paper registration or when registering online • Camp and Programs: Applicants will need to register for the program through MyGS and select the Financial Aid option on the payment screen. For programs $10-$50 there is no additional steps needed. For programs over $50, please complete the Activity Scholarship Application • Uniforms: Apply for uniform aid with the Uniform Assistance Fund Application • Adult Education: Applicants will need to complete the Adult Education Course Registration and Scholarship Application
Inspire Discovery Fall 2022 9
What will you discover this fall? A world of possibilities await with the 2022 new badge opportunities! Meet the new badges below and then check out the program section beginning on pg. 46 to see our full list of program offerings where Girl Scouts will have the opportunity to earn the new badges!
New for 2022!
Daisy Petals The NEW Daisy petal badges introduce Girl Scout values to Daisies through engaging, hands-on activities. Each petal badge focuses on a different line of the Girl Scout Law. Activities include one or more of the Girl Scout pillars: STEM, Life Skills, Outdoors, and Entrepreneurship. Some activities introduce Daisies to global concepts, while others help Daisies think about their place in the world and how they make the world a better place. Daisies in eastern Missouri can earn the petal badges through our Daisy Drop Box program, visit girlscoutsem.org/daisydropbox to learn more!
STEM Badges One badge per level for Daisies, Seniors, and Ambassadors
Like the existing Brownie, Junior, and Cadette STEM Career Exploration badges, Girl Scouts at each level explore their passions and interests to find out how they want to make a difference in the world with STEM. Daisies explore the four areas of STEM and learn about related careers. Seniors and Ambassadors learn about six different STEM fields (Computer Science, Engineering, Nature and the Environment, Creative Technology and Design, Health and Wellness, and Food and Agriculture), explore their career paths, and take the first steps toward their future in STEM.
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Entrepreneurship Badges
My Money Habits Cadettes find out how money is exchanged and transacted, such as peer-to-peer mobile services, credit cards, or online payment systems. My Dream Budget Cadettes imagine themselves at age 25 and create a budget to support their future self and finance their future. Savvy Saver Seniors learn the ins and outs of earning an income, from taxes to salaries. My Financial Power Seniors discover all the ways they can create financial stability, such as building wealth, making wise career choices, and being aware of investment risks. Financial Planner Ambassadors plan for a future that includes real-life expenses and borrowing money. My Financial Independence Ambassadors take charge of their future by creating a budget that includes where they might live and how to manage expenses.
The NEW Financial Literacy badges give Girl Scouts the confidence and skills to make financial decisions. For each level, one badge delivers fundamental financial awareness, and one shows how to apply money sense toward future goals. Money Explorer Daisies learn about paper bills and coins, what they are worth, and how to use money. My Money Choices Daisies find out the difference between wants and needs and see how that gives them a head start on managing money. Budget Builder Brownies find out how to make shopping choices and budget decisions. My Own Budget Brownies learn that when they have money, they are responsible for how they spend it. Budget Maker Juniors discover that the secret to meeting a financial goal is creating a budget. My Money Plan Juniors find out what it means to earn an income and how to make it grow by saving and investing. Budget Manager Cadettes make the connection between their spending habits and their core values.
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Outdoor Badges
Pets In this updated badge, Brownies learn about the different aspects of caring for a pet—from keeping them safe and fed to making them feel loved.
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Lace up those running shoes—It’s time for the sweetest race
in eastern Missouri!
Fun New Swag Options for 2022! Participants can select race swag at the time of registration. Choose from the Girl Scout GO T-shirt or the bib fastener and gaiter bundle. Or, participants can opt out of swag and save $5 off their entry fee! An event patch will be available for purchase as well.
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We are excited to again offer both in-person and virtual participation options for our annual Girl Scouts GO: Run for the Cookies event. Participants will have the opportunity to participate in-person on Nov. 26 or complete their run/walk virtually anytime from Nov. 18-27. Ready, set, register today!
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Virtual Event Nov. 18-27
In-Person Event Sat., Nov. 26
Whether you want to run on the treadmill, jog around the
Girl Scout Service Center 2300 Ball Dr., St. Louis 63146
neighborhood or walk a local trail, our virtual event is a great option to participate in our annual event. Grab your family and friends for a 5K or 1-mile run or walk anytime from Nov. 18-27. Race packets will be mailed to all virtual participants who register by Oct. 31. Shipping is included in your registration fee.
5K Run/Walk 8 am
1-mile Run/Walk 9 am
Packet pick up information can be found on the event registration page, fleetfeetstlouis.com/girlscouts .
Registration Registration is open now through Nov. 26! Visit fleetfeetstlouis.com/girlscouts to register online. Registration is required for both the in-person and virtual event options. Register early to lock in a lower price and guarantee your T-shirt size. Information on swag options and deadlines can be found on the registration page. Registration Fees • $25 (5K) or $15 (1-mile) through Oct. 3 • $30 (5K) or $18 (1-mile) Oct. 4 through Oct. 31 • $35 (5K) or $20 (1-mile) Nov. 1 through Nov. 26
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Community Service Opportunities
Girls who engage in community service develop a strong sense of responsibility for others. Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri provides girls with opportunities to serve, to connect with their communities and to reflect on their experience to better understand themselves, area needs and their role in making the world a better place.
Community Service Partners We are currently working on updating and expanding our previous Seasons of Giving program that provides community service opportunities to our members. The new name for this program will be Service Partners and will provide our members with a list of local organizations with service projects open to our Girl Scouts. A list of current Community Service Partners as well as information on how to add an organization to the list can be found at girlscoutsem.org/communityservicepartners.
April Showers April Showers, Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri’s largest community service program is important to the Girl Scout program and the community at large. Girl Scouts, their troop leaders, families and friends help people in need by collecting personal care items that are distributed to agencies throughout our jurisdiction. All troops are expected to participate in the April Showers program through door-to-door distribution, donation collection or Showering the Community. Mark your calendar for April Showers 2023 April 21-23: Door-to-Door Distribution April 22: Showering the Community April 29: Donation Collection “I think it important to participate in April Showers because it’s a way to give to people who are having a hard time getting what they need. Everyone deserves the basic things in life to care for themselves, and we as Girl Scouts have the power to bring that to people.” Dana, Girl Scout Ambassador
14 Inspire Discovery Fall 2022
New Patch Programs Check out our new Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri patch programs for the fall and winter! Register for these patch programs through gsEvents and check our more details in our program listing beginning on pg. 46.
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Women’s History Month Patch Program During the month of March
Lifetime Girl Scout and was a girl member and Girl Scout Gold Award Girl Scout in our council. Currently, she is a leader of Cadette Troop 852. This past year the members of her troop completed their Bronze Award project developing outdoor resources troops can check out from the Camp Supervisor when troop camping. Click here to learn more. Patches will be on sale in the GS Shop this fall. Maryville’s Health Care Patch Program Cadettes will have the chance to join professionals at Maryville University to explore their five unique disciplines, including Nursing, Music Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech and Language Pathologist. The program will be delivered virtually, January through February and provide a box of supplies mailed to each Girl Scout’s home. GM STEM Careers Patch In November, Daisies, Seniors and Ambassadors can join us for two unique programs hosted at St. Charles Community College where they will explore STEM Careers. Actual Size 3" G I R L S C O U T S O F E A S T E R N M I S S O U R I H E A L T H C A R E E D U C A T I O N MARYVILLE UNIVERSITY WALKER COLLEGE OF HEALTH PROFESSIONS Disability Awareness Patch Program with Centene Girl Scouts will learn how to be a sister to every Girl Scout in this important program which offers in person options and program boxes mailed to troops. Sign up for in-person programs or to receive an at-home kit through gsEvents.
Girl Scouts will honor significant historical women, learn about important milestones and find inspiration in the many ways women influence the world!
Edward Jones Cookie College In December, Girl Scouts can join us to get ready for cookie season through a virtual event, an in person event or both!
AT&T STEM Careers Patch In January, Brownies and Juniors can learn about STEM careers in a modern media company that provides customers connectivity, technology, entertainment and more all around the world!
Outdoor Skills Patch A new Outdoor Skills Patch Program is available for all age levels. This program, developed by GSEM volunteer Nancy Pope is designed to
Level Three
Level Two
Level Four
Level One
Level Five
Outdoor Skills
give members opportunities to learn and grow their outdoor skills and knowledge and engage family members in outdoor activities. There are activities for each age level where participants will earn a patch and age level flame and there are links to badges that give members ideas on how to continue their outdoor journey. We want to thank Nancy for sharing this creative patch program with the council. Nancy is a
Disability Awareness Girl Scout Junior
Disability Awareness Girl Scout Daisy
Disability Awareness Girl Scout Brownie
Funding Your Troop’s Activities This Year
You can do big things when you participate with your troop in the Treats & Reads and Girl Scout Cookie Programs.
Want to earn fun rewards? Want to earn money for your troop adventures and supplies? Want to build confidence and learn new skills?
Want to provide a service to the community with product donation? Council money-earning programs offer all these things and more!
Treats & Reads 2022 During September through November, Girl Scouts can market nut/candy/magazine products to friends and family. It’s super easy to get started. Look for your online set-up email and order card materials from your troop leader later this summer.
The 2022 Treats & Reads Mascot is the Hawaiian Monk Seal! It is an endangered species due to the devastation of their habitat. This includes devastation from litter found in the ocean and alongside the beaches where they live. How can you help this seal species, and other species, have healthier habitats? Make a list of different ways you can do your part to reduce, reuse and recycle around your house on a daily basis. Remember—every little bit counts!
16 Inspire Discovery Fall 2022
Small Seal Plush Your new best snuggle buddy is 14” long and adorable; sell just 40+ items to earn; sell 150+ items to earn the large plush, which is two feet long!
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Treats & Reads Reward Preview
Go Bright Ahead T-shirt If you sell 75+ items, you earn this T-shirt with beautiful colors, highlighting this fall’s theme!
Are you a real go-getter? If you sell 150+ items, you can join your other super sellers for a private cooking or cake decorating class. Personalized Patches Only available for Girl Scouts who participate in Treats & Reads and who meet specific goals, you get to choose your patch design and create your Avatar online for a patch that’s just for you!
Participate in Treats & Read and the Girl Scout Cookie Program and meet certain goals to earn a second personalized patch.
Inspire Discovery Fall 2022 17
Mark Your Calendars For These Important Treats & Reads Dates
Sept. 24 Treats & Reads Begins
Sept. 24-Sept. 30 Go Bright Ahead Contest
New Girl-Delivery Products for 2022
Oct. 16 Order card orders due to troop
Dark Chocolate Peppermint Pretzels
Dill Pickle Peanuts
Oct. 20 Last chance for online customers to choose girl-delivery for orders Oct. 21-Nov. 20 Online orders accepted for donation, shipping or magazines
Making a return to the order card, this zesty, protein-packed snack is sure to delight.
This tasty treat comes in a simple holiday bag and makes a great gift.
Week of Nov. 7 Products distributed to troops
Tin filled with Mint Treasurers candy, this year’s tin will bring back fond memories and delight with deliciousness.
Girl Scout Memories Tin
Can’t wait to get started? Here’s what to do: Pick up an order card from your troop Look for your email to set up personalized shopping site Set up your personalized storefront Send emails beginning Sept. 24 or use the share my site feature to direct customers to your site Reach out to friends and family and show them your order card options
18 Inspire Discovery Fall 2022
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What’s New for 2023? • New Girl Scout Cookie,
Raspberry Rally, available for direct shipped orders
• Digital Cookie opening and order card-taking will both be on GO Day
Girl Scout Cookie Program 2023 Before you know it, the Girl Scout Cookie Program will be here, and it’s your troop’s biggest opportunity to earn what they need for those field trips, camps, badges, community service and more. Cookie Dates Dec. 15: Digital Cookie Set-Up opens for Girl Scouts Dec. 15-Jan. 6: Collect customer emails so you’re ready to go live Jan. 7: Online and in-person orders begin Jan. 29: Order cards due to troop Week of Feb. 13: Initial cookie orders distributed to troops March 19: Cookie Program ends
• Updated cookie coupon guidelines and options
• Amazing cookie merchandise
• Travel cookie reward
Edward Jones Cookie College is a unique opportunity for Daisies through Ambassadors to sharpen their five essential skills and get excited for the upcoming Girl Scout Cookie season! Join Us for Edward Jones Cookie College!
Select which program works best for you!
Cookie Kick-off with Edward Jones Dec. 2, 6-7 pm, Virtual
Edward Jones Cookie College Dec. 3, 9 am-2 pm, Girl Scout Program Center
Turn to pg. 58 for complete program details.
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Looking for badge/Journey workshops or fun field trip ideas for your troop? Look no further than our Program Partners! Program Partners are organizations approved to offer Girl Scout programs as a resource to members. These opportunities can be scheduled directly with the organization. We are always adding new Program Partners. Visit girlscoutsem.org/programpartners to find the most updated list of Program Partners and information on the activities they are offering. Or, click on a Program Partner below to visit their website!
Program Partners
2022 Program Partners Animal Protective Association of Missouri Cake Fusion Cake and Cupcake Design Studio Claster Educational Services Complete Harmony DaySpring Arts and Education Endangered Wolf Center
SPARK Business Academy St. Charles County Parks and Recreation St. Louis Cardinals St. Louis Symphony Orchestra STAGES St. Louis Performing Arts Academy Teen Tell All The Magic House Upper Limits Rock Gym Vertical Voyages Vine Images Youth Friendly Learning STL Z Total Body Fitness
Gateway Arch National Park Humane Society of Missouri Kraus Farms LabSpace Robotics Leftovers Etc. Little Medical School Mad Science Missouri Botanical Gardens Missouri Department of Conservation
Is your troop interested in horseback riding, challenge course or other high adventure activities? Visit girlscoutsem.org/insurance to learn more about what is required to participate in high risk activities with your troop.
MJ Performing Arts Academy National Inventors Hall of Fame Otto Orthodontics Photo Explorations Rooted Warriors Yoga Safety House Saint Louis Science Center
Saint Louis Zoo School of Rock
20 Inspire Discovery Fall 2022
Travel to Belize with GSEM Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri is traveling the world, and we want YOU to join us! During June 2024, we’re traveling to Belize for a week on the tour of a lifetime! Please join us for a virtual information session to learn more, ask questions and find out how to claim your spot! Tues., August 30 6:30-7:30 pm Tour Description: A tropical paradise with miles of shimmering blue Caribbean coastline and lush jungle canopies, there are many reasons to visit Belize, but its
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diverse wildlife and adventure activities are just a few! Girls can see native jungle animals up close on multiple nature hikes, whiz through the treetops on a zipline, and snorkel in the crystal clear waters of the Caribbean. Ancient ruins, cave tubing, and a riverboat cruise ensure this will be a Belize tour they will never forget.
Scan the QR code below or visit https://bit.ly/3Ld4JZI to register. Registrants will receive the Zoom link prior to the meeting.
Questions? Contact Mary Fuller at 314.592.2344 or mfuller@girlscoutsem.org
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Hi, Girl Scout! My name is Juliette Bow Bot and I’ve been part of the robotics program at Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri since I was in Kindergarten! You can be a part of a robotics team at every Girl Scout level, from Daisies through Ambassadors. I’ve already learned how to design, build and program LEGO robots. Once I’m in 7th grade, my team can even work with metal robots! Girls on our robotics teams learn more about science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) through fun, exciting hands-on activities. Continue reading to learn more about robotics!
What would I do on a Robotics team? You can do so many things! As a teammember, you will: • Learn about designing, building and programming robots with your teammates • Get creative by making a team poster and even designing your own shirts • Earn robotics badges—every year, girls also receive a special robotics patch How can I get started? Start by asking other girls your age if they are interested in robotics! This could be members of your troop, friends from camp or other girls that you know. They don’t need to be involved in Girl Scouts as long as they become a registered Girl Scout when they join the team. You can learn more by emailing Miss Lauren at lkornegaydollar@girlscoutsem.org or Miss Brooke at bstochl@girlscoutsem.org .
How can I learn more? There is more information about the robotics program on our website,
girlscoutsem.org/robotics . On our page, we even have a video of our Girl Scouts in action with their very own robots!
22 Inspire Discovery Fall 2022
FIRST® Robotics is a progressive program beginning with the FIRST LEGO League (FLL) levels. Girls then advance to FIRST® Tech Challenge (FTC) and FIRST® Robotics Competition (FRC). • FLL Discover: grades K-1, 2-8 team members • FLL Explore: grades 2-4, 2-6 team members • FLL Challenge: grades 4-8, 2-10 teammembers • FTC: grades 7-12, 2-15 team members • FRC: grades 9-12, 2-99 team members SeaPerch is an innovative underwater robotics program that equips Girl Scouts with the resources they need to build an underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV).
Team Spotlight
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Girl Scouts Robotics team, The Coding Girls, attended the FIRST® Championship in Houston during 2022! They had the opportunity to present and meet other youth robotics teams from around the world! We caught up with The Coding Girls to learn more about their experience with robotics. What is your favorite part of Girl Scout robotics? Charlotte: “Learning fun new ideas to solve problems along with using teamwork to get other people’s ideas.” Evelyn: “Buildings things and being with my friends.” What is something new you discovered on your trip to Houston? Charlotte: “It takes a lot of teamwork to do BIG things.” Amelia: “I discovered all the new robots that I will get to work with when I’m older.”
• SeaPerch: grades 2-12, 2-5 team members
More than LEGO: The Building Blocks of Robotics
Join our Program Managers to discuss all things Girl Scout robotics! They will overview the GSEM Robotics Program, FIRST® Robotics, SeaPerch and what to do next if you or your girl are interested in becoming a member of the robotics program. Sessions will be held on Zoom at 6:30 pm. Register at girlscoutsem.org/robotics .
Wed., Aug. 24 Tues., Oct. 11 Thurs., Nov. 17 Thurs., Jan. 12 •
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Let’s Celebrate Our Shared Love of the Outdoors
September 9-11, 2022 Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri is proud to host the annual event, Girl Scouts Love State Parks, in conjunction with Girl Scouts of the USA and the National Association of State Park Directors. Girl Scouts from all 50 states congregate in state parks across the nation to share their love for the outdoors and adventure. Girl Scouts and their families or troops can experience Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri’s camp properties and a Missouri State Park all in one weekend!
Sept. 9-11 $40 person; includes lodging, State Park activities, patch and SWAP Offered to: Grades K-12 Registration Deadline: Aug. 26 • Camp Cedarledge with a Saturday visit to Mastodon State Historic Site • Camp Fiddlecreek with a Saturday visit to Babler State Park • Camp Tuckaho with a Saturday visit to Cuivre River State Park
Troops and/or families must provide adult/girl ratio for event. All meals will be the responsibility of the troop/family. Troops and/or families will be placed in a lodge or tent unit for the weekend at each camp. Troops must provide a Licensed Troop Camper at camp and own transportation to and from the state parks.
24 Inspire Discovery Fall 2022
Bow and Arrow Club
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Are you an experienced archer? Are you a beginner? Would you like to learn fun archery games with other girls? Come join the Bow and Arrow Club and visit different types of archery ranges, learn about proper shooting, stance, parts of the bow and arrow, play fun games, and much more! Participants must commit to all sessions to gain the full experience. The final session will be held at camp and will include a fun archery competition with all Bow and Arrow Club girls.
Series Information Each session has the following dates/times at the following locations.
Levels: Junior | Cadette | Senior | Ambassador Cost: $75 Registration Deadline: Oct. 1 Time: 2-4 pm Min./Max campers: 10/20 per session
Dates: Oct. 16: Camp Cedarledge Nov. 13: Summit Archery March 19: Camp Fiddlecreek April 16: Camp Cedarledge May 14: Camp Tuckaho
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Levels: Cadette | Senior | Ambassador Registration Deadline: Two weeks before each adventure Min./Max. campers: 10/20 per session Cost: $60; patch and new T-shirt included with each registration More information will be emailed in confirmation letters two weeks before each adventure. Extreme Team Join our high adventure club! The Extreme Team is a unique opportunity for Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors to stretch their physical and mental limits in the great outdoors.
Adventure 1: Oct. 9, 8:30 am-5 pm Target Sports Day, Camp Cedarledge
Adventure 5: April 29-30, 4:30 pm, Sat., -10:30 am, Sun. Twilight Tree Climb Overnight, Camp Tuckaho Adventure 6: May 26-27 Primitive Camping Overnight, Camp Fiddlecreek Activities normally done during the day will be at night! Canoeing, archery, and swimming! All meals included.
Adventure 2: Nov. 13, 9 am- 1 pm Climbing/Rappelling, Pere Marquette State Park
Adventure 3: Jan. 29 Polar Plunge Tubing Park, Hidden Valley Resort
Adventure 4: Feb. 26, 8:30 am-2:30 pm Underground Kayaking, Crystal City Underground
Equestrian Update Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri Equestrian Programs at Camp Cedarledge will resume in Spring of 2023. We will not be hosting fall 2022 Equestrian programs. Thank you for your patience and support as our Camp team focuses on recruitment of staff, training and preparing the barn to be ready for spring programs. We will provide an update in the spring 2023 Inspire Discovery, which will be available in January.
26 Inspire Discovery Fall 2022
New! Slingshots at Camp Target sports can foster teamwork, responsibility, and focus while teaching important life lessons. Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri is excited to introduce a new activity to camp! Slingshots will be making a debut at all three camps in November 2022 for Daisies through Ambassadors! Troops camping during an activity staffed weekend November through March will be able to sign up for slingshots. Not camping during an activity staffed weekend? Be looking for Target Sports programs being offered in Spring 2023!
Activity Staff Weekends
fall 2022 | discover
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri is committed to providing troops with opportunities to experience all that camp has to offer. We provide staff certified in various activities on select weekends each month to enhance the troop camping experience. These activities are offered to troops with camp unit reservations, including day shelters, on the scheduled program dates. Two months before their camping reservation date, troops are sent a link from the Camp Department to sign up for activities. Troops are given three weeks to sign up for activities, choosing up to two activities per camper. Sign-ups are on a first-come, first-serve basis. For the full list of activities offered and the dates and locations of each activity weekend, please visit our website at girlscoutsem.org and look for the Activity Staff Weekends heading on the Troop Camp page.
Need help making a Troop Camping reservation? Contact the Answer Center at 314.400.4600 or answercenter@girlscoutsem.org for assistance.
Inspire Discovery Fall 2022 27
Around Council Dottie Cox Daffodil Day Oct. 22 9:30 am-2 pm
Camp Tuckaho $10 per person, includes lunch and patch
Daisy Girl Scouts and their special male role model (father, uncle, grandfather or adult brother) will help beautify camp by planting daffodils in remembrance of long-time volunteer Dottie Cox.
Oct. 14-16
Fallin’ Into Fun at Camp Fiddlecreek
Camp Fiddlecreek $40 per person; includes lodging, fall crafts and activities, snacks and special patch Bring out your troop and/or family for a fall festival at Camp Fiddlecreek! Participate in different fall activities* including archery, hatchet throwing, decorating pumpkins, climbing wall and zipline and much more! Troops and/or families must meet adult to-girl ratio and provide a licensed troop camper for the event. All meals will be the responsibility of the troop and/or family, some snacks will be provided. Adults will be required to complete a background check to attend this event.
*dependent on weather and age of participant
28 Inspire Discovery Spring 2022
28 Inspire Discovery Fall 2022
Outdoor Adventure Course at Camp Tuckaho Build team spirit, improve communication, inspire ingenuity and develop resourcefulness by participating in a fun and challenging low and high ropes course. In this extraordinary, interactive learning environment, campers are faced with decision-making situations that can be stimulating both mentally and physically as they navigate obstacles both on the ground and in the trees at the
fall 2022 | discover
Outdoor Adventure Course (OAC). Advanced OAC Challenge
Dates: Sept. 30-Oct. 2, 2022 (offered in the fall season only) Registration requires a 2023 membership to register $45 per girl Girls must be at least 12 years old and in the sixth grade or older Prerequisite: Individual OAC or Troop OAC Challenge Loved the Outdoor Adventure Course the first time around and want to try it again? Try out low and high rope elements again, but in new and challenging ways! • Girls do not have to be a member of a troop to participate • Girls will be supervised by trained adult OAC instructors throughout the weekend • Fee includes cost of food and program supplies Questions on the Outdoor Adventure Course Challenge? Please contact the Answer Center at 314.400.4600 or answercenter@girlscoutsem.org .
Inspire Discovery Fall 2022 29
Meet the Highest Awards in Girl Scouting
The Girl Scout Gold Award, Silver Award, and Bronze Award prove you’ve got what it takes to build a better today—and tomorrow.
Senior and Ambassador Girl
This Girl Scout Bronze Award adventure is big—in fact, this award is the highest honor a Girl Scout Junior can achieve. As you and your team plan and complete your project, you’ll develop more confidence, meet new people, and have the kind of fun that happens when you work with other Girl Scouts to make a difference.
As girls bridge into Cadettes they can
Scouts going for the Gold Award are rock stars, role models and real-life heroes in their community. How do they do it? By leading a team of adults and peers to help fix a problem in their community or make a lasting change in their world. You don’t have to be a seasoned activist or star student to get there. We provide training to get you started and mentors to help along the way!
choose a small group or work independently on the Silver Award. They will find an issue they care about, create a solution to the root cause and then take action with their sustainable project!
30 Inspire Discovery Fall 2022
fall 2022 | take action
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Girl Scout Bronze Award
How Girl Scout Juniors Make the World a Better Place
Welcome to the Girl Scout Bronze Award, a leadership adventure for you and more than half a million Girl Scout Juniors across the country and around the world. Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri is extremely proud of our Bronze Award honorees and recognize these ground breakers at the annual Reflections Ceremony held in June each year. Once the girls have completed their Bronze Award Project, the leader will verified requirements have been met and submit the troop’s report online. Projects must be submitted online by March 1 in order to be recognized at that year’s Reflections Ceremony. Projects received after this date will be recognized at the following year’s ceremony.
The steps you take to earn the Bronze Award:
Complete a Junior Journey Review Bronze Award Guidelines Explore Your Community Identify a Need and Root Cause Make a Plan (Use the Bronze Award Rubric as a guide) Take Action Submit Your Final Project Online
The rubric and online project form can be found at girlscoutsem.org/bronzeaward .
Need Help Getting Started? Contact Annie Miller, Highest Awards Program Manager at amiller@girlscoutsem.org .
32 Inspire Discovery Fall 2022
Adoption Angels
fall 2022 | take action
Issue: Families struggling financially are forced to give their beloved pets to animal shelters
Bronze Award Team:
Project Details: The troop held a drive to collect dog and cat food and supplies. They were donated a wooden shelf and were able to use the shelf to fill it with the food and pet supplies Once the troop completed filling the shelf, they presented it to a Pet Food Pantry in Jefferson County, where it is now housed inside of the Pantry. that were collected during their drive.
Troop 2635; 5th grade Juniors; 3 Girl Scouts on award team
Root Cause: Low-income individuals or those who have experienced job loss can not properly care for their pets
Sustainability: The troop planned to remain in partnership with Jefferson County’s Pet Food Pantry. The Pet Food Pantry will host annual drives that will continue to gather dog and cat food supplies.
Girl Scout Silver Award
How Girl Scout Cadettes Make the World a Better Place
Have you ever looked around your community and saw something that didn’t seem to work right or was causing concerns? Did you think about things that could be done to improve the issue? Our Cadette Girl Scouts address these problems through earning the Silver Award. Our Silver Award honorees are celebrated by family, friends, volunteers, staff and special guests at the annual Reflections Ceremony held in June each year. Once girls complete their Silver Award Project, they should receive approval from their troop leader before submitting their final project online. Projects must be submitted online by March 1 in order to be recognized at that year’s Reflections Ceremony. Projects received after this date will be recognized at the following year’s ceremony.
The steps you take to earn the Silver Award:
Complete a Cadette Journey Review Silver Award Guidelines Explore Your Community Identify a Need and Root Cause Make a Plan (Use the Silver Award Rubric as a guide) Take Action Submit Your Final Project Online The rubric and online project form can be found at girlscoutsem.org/silveraward .
Need Help Getting Started? Contact Annie Miller, Highest Awards Program Manager at amiller@girlscoutsem.org .
34 Inspire Discovery Fall 2022
Fighting Fast Fashion -Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
fall 2022 | take action
Issue: Addressed the issue of clothing waste in our communities.
Silver Award Team: Troop 4409; 8th grade Cadettes; 5 Girl Scouts on award team
Project Details: In partnership with a local nonprofit, Community Women Against Hardships, as well as Washington University—Saint Louis, this troop hosted clothing drives where they collected gently used clothing to promote recycling and to eliminate waste. The girls created a flyer and solicited clothing from family, friends, and patrons from community organizations. Once they completed the clothing drive, the troop donated the clothes to the nonprofit for individuals in need.
Root Cause: This troop noticed the need to address environmental waste by reducing the amount clothes that goes to the landfills. In addition to addressing environmental waste, the troop promoted recycling by reusing clothing items to donate to members in the community who were in need. Our projected addressed clothing waste. It benefitted a non-profit organization that assists low to moderate income families with clothing and other resources. Sustainability: To promote the sustainability of clothing reuse and recycling, the student organization at Washington University will continue to host clothing drives at the end of the school year. In addition, the partner community organization, Community Women Against Hardship, has a mission to support struggling women and children with clothing and food donations. The girls recognized that by donating the clothes to an organization like this would have a lasting impact on the community.
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