Fall 2021 Treats and Reads Troop Manager Guide
What ' s New in 2021?
Program Updates
Online Updates
Four new products (see Products page)
One storefront to share for nuts and magazines • Single link brings customers to the girl’s storefront where they can choose to order nuts and/or magazines New Share My Site options for girls • Girls can share direct to Facebook, Twitter or text through the M2 platform Printable door hanger with personalized QR code • Print and go resources with unique QR code that directs customers to girl’s personal storefront
Troops will pick up product from Neighborhood Treats & Reads Manager
Treats & Reads Rally, Sept. 18 • Information and registration at girlscoutsem.org
Troop submission deadlines are at 8 pm to ensure access to Council support up to the deadline time Any updates to Council’s COVID-19 guidelines that would affect Treats & Reads will be shared via email and on the COVID-19 Guidelines flipbook on our website.
New Personalized Patch Design Personalized avatar patches for girls and volunteers are available exclusively through Treats & Reads! Girl requirements are on pg. 14 • Troop Treats and Reads Manager earns the fall patch when the troop sells $1,700 in fall product and sends the Parent and Guardian Email Blast through M2 • Troop Leader earns the cookie crossover patch when when the troop sells $1,000 in fall and achieves a 145+ PGA in cookies
6 Treats & Reads Guide
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