Fall 2021 Treats and Reads Troop Manager Guide
program timeline
Nov. 9-27 Girl Delivery and Money Management
Girls deliver products to customers and collect payment for order card orders. All checks should be made payable to “GSEM Troop xxxx (troop #)” with the customer’s driver’s license and phone numbers on the face of the check.
To avoid parent/caretaker last-minute visits to drop off money, you may want to set an earlier troop deadline for money collection.
Collecting money from parents/caretakers: • Receive the girl money envelope directly from parents/caretakers; do not have girls bring money to school or have parents drop off money if you are not home
• Count cash and checks in the presence of the parent/caretaker and complete a money/product receipt, both sign, give one copy to parent/caregiver and keep one copy for your records
• Deposit in the troop bank account at least weekly to avoid holding large amounts of cash and checks
• Girls can accept credit cards during delivery using Clover Go if your troop has already set it up. To avoid cash handling. Once set up, girls/families can accept card payments that go directly to troop account
Nov. 21 Last Day of Treats & Reads Program
The last day of our 2021 Treats & Reads Program is Nov. 21. All online sales will close Nov. 21 at 11 pm CST.
28 Treats & Reads Guide
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