Fall 2021 Treats and Reads Troop Manager Guide
program timeline
Before Program Begins
Prior to Sept. 16 Pick up Troop Treats & Reads Materials from Neighborhood Treats & Reads Manager and Complete Troop Treats & Reads Manager Orientation Treats & Reads orientation for troop volunteers will be available as an online module in gsLearn. This module will provide you with the basics of the program and what your role is during the program. For more detailed instructions on various tasks, please join us live on Zoom for Nuts and Bolts sessions during the season. Dates, times and links are in the Timeline. If you need assistance accessing gsLearn, please contact the Answer Center at 314.400.4600 or answercenter@girlscoutsem.org . Look for information from your Neighborhood Treats & Reads Manager about how to get your troop’s program materials. They may also post the information on your Neighborhood’s communication forums, such as Facebook. Please contact the Answer Center for assistance locating your Neighborhood Treats & Reads Manager.
Sept. 16 M2 Access Available—Log In and Set Up Parent and Guardian Email
A unique login will be emailed to you titled “Username and password for the Girl Scout magazine and nut program.”
The email contains a link to gsnutsandmags.com/gsem where you will create your own password, watch the quick troop video, create a Girl Scout Avatar and complete your setup information.
Click the Parent and Guardian Email button on your troop dashboard and create an email to parents/ caretakers. This email will go out on Sept. 25 inviting girls to set up their store. This step is crucial to ensuring your girls are able to participate in online marketing of their product. Parent/caretaker emails begin sending at 9 am Sept. 25, arriving throughout the morning.
Remember—Sending the parent and guardian email blast is a required step for Troop Treats & Reads Managers to earn the personalized fall patch.
20 Treats & Reads Guide
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