Fall 2021 Treats and Reads Troop Manager Guide
Rewards Girls earn individual rewards based on total sales. Cadette, Senior and Ambassador troops that opt out of individual rewards still qualify for earned patches, Top 10 Project Thank You Seller reward and VIP Booth access. Girls, Troop Treats & Reads Managers (fall only) and Troop Leaders (crossover only) have the opportunity to earn Personalized Avatar Patches. Individual girl orders cannot be combined to achieve higher level rewards. Troop Treats & Reads Managers are on their honor to demonstrate good business ethics and not combine girl orders. To receive high-level rewards, girls’ families must be in compliance with payment deadline. Rewards are shipped to Neighborhood Treats & Reads Managers the week of Jan. 3, and troops will pick up from them. Girls who earn higher-level rewards, such as experiences or symbolic animal adoptions, will be contacted directly by Product Programs staff. VIP Booth Reservation Access Reward It pays to participate in Treats & Reads! In anticipation of our sought-after cookie booth partners coming back in 2022, your troop can earn VIP access to reserve a booth with any of our uploaded booth partners. To be a VIP troop: 1. Troop Treats & Reads Manager registers as a member by 10/1/21 2. Troop has 80% of girls register as members by 10/1/21 and 80% of girls in troop participate in 2021 Treats & Reads 3. All girls selling in troop submit order card sales orders and 80% of selling girls send 18+ emails through M2 4. Troop achieves a per girl average of 40+ items during the 2021 Treats & Reads Program (based only on girls selling in troop; not based on total girls registered in the troop) 5. Troop must be in good financial standing at the end of the Treats & Reads program (as of Dec. 17) Leaders and Troop Cookie Managers with qualifying troops will be granted eBudde booth reservation access 1-2 days before the all-troop access date and may reserve one booth slot at that time. They will then be able to sign up for additional slots according to the all-troop booth reservation schedule. Booth slots will be available for viewing in advance of access. Information will be sent via email in early January. *Troops based in areas without premium booth access will be offered an alternate reward upon request if they are unable to participate in the VIP Reward due to geographic access. This is not applicable for troops opting not to participate in booths. Product Programs staff will determine eligibility for alternate reward.
18+ Emails Sent in M2 2021 Patch
10+ P Peng
10+ Items Rise Up Patch
55+ Total Items CharmBracelet andHeadband
75 Go
150+ Items Adult Penguin Plush OR Tie Dye Kit with Clipboard Set
earn Personalized AVATAR Patches!
14 Treats & Reads Guide
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