Fall 2021 Lead & Learn

Volunteer Resources

Be Your Best Self and Troop Leader As a Girl Scout volunteer, you give tirelessly to your community. Each day you share your time, talents, treasure and energy with your girls to give them the best leadership experience possible. But, the hustle of Girl Scouts can quickly become stressful if we forget to take care of our own needs along the way!

Self-care is more than eating an entire sleeve of Thin Mints in one sitting (no judgment). It’s about paying attention to your needs and taking care of yourself mentally, physically and emotionally. It is easier said than done, of course, but if we don’t take care of ourselves, how can we best care for our families and our troops?

In practicing self-care, you are demonstrating for your girls what it means to be your best self. Troop leader, you are enough! Whatever you need to feel balanced in this crazy, busy world is the right kind of self-care for you. And, please know, Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri, your girls and your parents appreciate you!

If you are feeling pressure about Girl Scout activities and details, the best thing you can do for your girls, and yourself, is to inject some fun back into your sessions. Play silly games or have a laugh-a-thon. It’s scientifically proven that laughter reduces stress! Make Time for Fun

Manage Expectations

Temper your Girl Scout families with a dose of reality. Attending

every program and completing every badge can drive you to exhaustion! Communicate with your families so they know what to expect, that way everyone will be on the same page and you will feel less stress about meeting unreachable expectations. Lean on your social circles—your fellow troop volunteers or friends, for instance. Meet up for coffee or ice cream with other volunteers in your area and talk about personal and Girl Scout topics. Knowing that others are also struggling and finding their own unique solutions can help you power through. Keep Connections

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