Fall 2021 Inspire Discovery
Girl Programs
Three Cheers for Animals Journey Oct. 16 Start: 9 am End: noon OR Start: 1 pm End: 4 pm $30 per girl Max girls: 25 per session Registration Deadline: Oct. 2 Observe the Moon Night at Jefferson College Observatory Oct. 16 Start: 6:30 pm End: 8:30 pm $0 per girl $0 per adult Max girls: 100 Max adults: 100 Registration Deadline: Oct. 2
Offered to: Grades K-1 Let’s go on a Daisy Journey! In this program, girls will learn about different animals, how caring for animals is similar to caring for themselves, make lots of nature-inspired crafts, and do a Take Action Project that educates the community. Girl Scout Daisies will complete their Three Cheers for Animals Journey. Location: Berges Family Girl Scout Program Center, 2300 Ball Dr., St. Louis 63146
Offered to: Grades K-12 Join your fellow Girl Scouts at the brand-new Jefferson College Observatory to observe and learn about Earth’s nearest neighbor, the Moon! We’ll observe the Moon, stars and other celestial objects with help from the St. Louis Astronomical Society and learn about lunar science and exploration.
Location: Jefferson College Observatory, 1000 Viking Dr, Hillsboro 63050
Offered to: Grades 2-3 Friends are another kind of family. They’re the people you have fun with and who help you when you need it. This program will help you learn how to make new friends, keep the old, and be the best Brownie friend you can be! Girl Scout Brownies will earn their Making Friends Badge which is part of the Becoming Me Patch Program. Location: Virtual
Making Friends Oct. 19 Start: 6 pm End: 7 pm $10 per girl Max girls: 500 Registration Deadline: Oct. 5
Offered to: Grades 4-5 Do you want to take a ride in your dream car? Before you can do that, you need to design it! Girls will learn how to conduct market research to create the vehicles of the future by sketching and sculpting a model. Girl Scout Juniors will earn their Automotive 1: Design Badge. Location: Virtual
Junior Automotive Design Oct. 20 Start: 6 pm End: 7:30 pm $10 per girl Max girls: 400 Registration Deadline: Oct. 6
52 Inspire Discovery Fall 2021
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