Faith Partner Guide to Girl Scouting
CELEBRATING Spirituality AND FAITH Everything in Girl Scouting is based on the Girl Scout Promise and Law, which includes many of the principles and values common across religions. So while we are a secular organization, Girl Scouts has always encouraged girls to take spiritual journeys via their faiths’ religious recognitions.
My Promise My Faith Girls of all grade levels can now earn the My Promise, My Faith pin, which complements existing religious recognitions and allows girls to further strengthen the connection between their faith and Girl Scouts. Once each year, a girl can earn the My Promise, My Faith pin by carefully examining the Girl Scout Law and tying it directly to tenets of her faith. Requirements for this pin are included in The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting for all levels.
Bible Basics RP3 “Bible Basics RP3” is a patch series from P.R.A.Y. It is designed to help families, Sunday school classes, and youth groups get into the Bible. The Bible is basic to the Christian life, which is why the Bible is the emphasis of this new patch series from P.R.A.Y. Girls are encourage to not only Read the Bible, but also to take the time to Picture the passage, Ponder its meaning, and Put it into action. That’s what “RP3” is all about. Families and groups taking part in the program will get to enjoy reading the Bible together, and become familiar with the RP3 outline and be equipped with a simple tool for Bible reading and study at the same time.
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