Faith Partner Guide to Girl Scouting
Highest AWARDS
As girls progress in Girl Scouts, they can earn our high awards: Bronze Award as a Junior, Silver Award as a Cadette and the Gold Award as a Senior or Ambassador.
All three awards give girls the chance to do big things while working on an issue they care about. Whether they want to plant a community garden at a local school and encourage others to eat healthy for their Bronze, advocate for animal rights for their Silver or build a career network that encourages girls to become scientists for their Gold, girls will inspire others and themselves.
Girl Scout Bronze Award The Girl Scout Bronze Award is earned by girls in fourth and fifth grade. They commit at least 20 hours to making a difference in their community. As girls pursue their project, they put the Girl Scout Promise and Law into action. Girls develop confidence, meet new people and have fun along the way. Ascension Catholic School Nine Girl Scouts organized a money-earning event at Ascension Catholic School and raised $1,000. Using these funds, the Girl Scouts purchased activity books, toys and other items to assemble gift boxes. They donated these gift boxes to patients at St. Louis Children’s Hospital.
St. Ambrose Catholic School Eight Girl Scouts organized a collection drive for Karen House, donating items like canned goods, personal care items and blankets to the organization. Girl Scout Silver Award Girl Scouts in sixth through eight grade can earn the Girl Scout Silver Award. Girl Scouts spend at least 50 hours solving a community need. Going for the Silver Award gives girls the chance to show that they are a leader who is organized, determined and dedicated to improving their community.
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