Community Service Partner Guide

Girl Scout Levels that can provide service for your agency:

Daisy (K-1) � Brownie (2-3) � Junior (4-5) � Cadette (6-8) � Senior (9-10) � Ambassador (11-12) �

Does your agency background check staff or volunteers that would be leading the girls? Yes � No �

If no, please list all facilitators who will undergo a background check through Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri.

Do you have more than one location? Yes � No �

If yes, which will be accepting Girl Scout volunteers?

Do you require volunteers to sign a waiver? Yes � No �

Are you or someone in your organization interested in getting more information on being a project advisor for our girls working on their Gold Award (see pg. 13 for more information)? Yes � No � If yes, please provide the names and contact information for those interested

Please submit the following for approval: � Signed Community Service Partner Agreement � Certificate of Insurance meeting requirements stated on pg. 10 of the guide

Community Service Partner Guide 15

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