2025 Troop Cookie Manager Playbook


■ Feb. 1: Initial/pre-order sheet deadline; caregivers can turn off girl-delivery option in Digital Cookie ■ Feb. 3: Troop deadline to enter order sheet packages + any extra troop cookies in eBudde and submit initial order ■ Feb. 3: Troop initial order reward submission deadline ■ Feb. 3: Deadline to select initial order pickup date/location/time ■ Feb. 3: Troop bank account update deadline ■ Feb. 3: Print/save troop initial order report from eBudde ■ Feb. 10: Troop Digital Cookie sites can be set up and activated ■ Feb. 10: Digital Cookie mobile app can accept payments for cookies at time of delivery or at booths ■ Feb. 14-18: Pick up troop initial order at scheduled date/time/location ■ Feb. 2-March 14: Monitor online, girl-delivery sales to ensure all girls with the orders get their cookies ■ Feb. 2-March 16: Place pending order(s) for extra cookies from Cookie Cupboards ■ Feb. 2-March 19: Assign any additional cookies to girls in eBudde if beyond initial order quantity ■ Feb. 14-March 31: Collect cookie payments from troop members

Girl Scout Initial Order Deadline Until February 1 (or earlier if you set a different troop deadline), parents/adults can enter order sheets into Digital Cookie or give paper order sheet totals to the Troop Cookie Manager. We recommend you tell families you want order sheet orders given to you via Digital Cookie, or you want them all in paper rather than a mix of the two. It will help you stay organized and lessen any confusion. Online orders for girl-delivery will automatically flow to your troop’s initial order in eBudde and should not be entered manually in eBudde or Digital Cookie. Paper order sheet totals entered and submitted into Digital Cookie will flow automatically to eBudde. A parent/adult can enter these in the My Cookies tab in Digital Cookie. They can update their totals in January, but can only submit once. They must click Submit to Troop Volunteer button for it to transfer over to you though. Once the initial order deadline has passed, this feature will be disabled.

32 Troop Cookie Manager Playbook

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