2025 Troop Cookie Manager Playbook

Troop Scheduled Booths Troops are encouraged to contact locations other than those scheduled by Council and request approval to hold a cookie booth. Ask families in your troop if they have connections in the community that could provide a booth location. You should request a Certificate of Insurance if your planned booth takes place inside the doors of the business. Please remember to check the Council-Scheduled booth listings before contacting a business. Partnership agreements with these companies require all booth scheduling to be done through council in eBudde. It’s important to submit any troop-scheduled booths in eBudde so the booth may be found in the national cookie finder; and so your troop can use the eBudde Booth Recorder feature to distribute cookies sold at booths. Plus, this will also allow the Girl Scout to receive the booth sales charm when recorded properly. After you confirm your troop-scheduled booth with a business, please report that booth in eBudde so we can help customers find you. Remember, all booth sales should be in girl-appropriate areas. Girl Scout guidance is that booths should not be held at locations a girl cannot legally patronize. This includes dispensaries, liquor stores, bars, etc.

Add a Troop-Scheduled Cookie Booth to eBudde: 1. Log into eBudde

2. Click on the Booth Sales tab 3. Click Add/Edit a Troop Booth 4. Click +Add 5. Key in the booth information 6. Click Save

7. Your booth will show as Pending until Product Programs staff approves it or rejects it. Requests are reviewed weekly 8. Requests could be rejected if they are at locations that are already council partners, another troop already scheduled a booth at the same location/date/time, or the booth does not meet guidance for appropriate location

30 Troop Cookie Manager Playbook

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