2025 Troop Cookie Manager Playbook
Cookie Contests
Marketing Maven Contest (Individual Girl Scouts) The Cookie Season is a great time for Girl Scouts to show off how creative they can be. We want to see Girl Scouts’ marketing creations. Whether it be an online newsletter, flyer, video, or more, share it with us! Girl Scouts who submit their creative marketing pieces by the deadline will be entered to win.
Embrace Possibility Online for Digital Cookie (Individual Girl Scouts) Girl Scouts who set up and publish their Digital Cookie site between Jan. 11-17 will be entered to win daily prizes. Publish early—the more chances to win. Winners will be notified directly and announced on council social media. Embrace Possibility Online for Digital Cookie (Troops) Troops that set up and publish their troop Digital Cookie page between Feb. 10-14 will be entered to win one of three prizes the troop can use this cookie season.
The winning Girl Scout will be chosen based on cookie knowledge displayed, creativity, innovation and connection to the Girl Scout mission. The winner will receive a one-day pass to Six Flags St. Louis for the Girl Scout and chaperone.
Submission deadline: January 26
Brighten Our Booth Contest (Troops) Did your troop have a creative cookie booth? Show us your stuff! Submit a photo of your troop’s cookie booth by the Tuesday following each booth weekend. Booths will be evaluated based on their creativity, Girl Scout branding and cookie prominence.
S’mores Contest (Troops) It’s customers’ last chance to purchase the Girl Scout S’mores Cookie this year! Show us how well your troop can promote the cookie this season. Troops with at least three Girl Scouts selling Cookies, achieve a troop S’mores PGA of 100+, and submit their S’mores marketing video will be entered to win a splash adventure at a local aquatic facility.
Submission link: vr.girlscoutsem.org/BrightenBooth
Video submission deadline: March 9
Cookies for a Year (Customers) Reward loyal customers! Customers who order at least five packages of cookies are entered to win six cases of cookies of their choosing. More information and resources in the online troop playbook. Make sure your troop knows about this promotion, which can help them meet their goals.
See contest prize details and submission links at vr.girlscoutsem.org/25cookiecontests .
Troop Cookie Manager Playbook 11
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