2025 GSEM Adult Recognition Handbook

Thanks or Thanks II Badge

Award Description: The Thanks Badge recognizes a registered member whose ongoing commitment, leadership and service had an exceptional, measurable impact on meeting the mission-delivery goals and priorities of the council or the entire Girl Scout organization. Award Description: The Thanks II Badge recognizes the continuing service of a registered member who has already received the Thanks Badge and who continued to provide exemplary service in a leadership role, resulting in a measurable impact that benefited the council or entire Girl Scout organization. My good friend and fellow volunteer, LaTonya Lemonup, is an excellent candidate for the Thanks Badge. She has given so much of her time and talent over the last 25 plus years to Girl Scouts, wearing too many hats to count and becoming an exceptional event organizer in the process. Even with no children of her own currently in Girl Scouts, she actively volunteers at or coordinates neighborhood, district, and council events. Since her own children grew up, LaTonya has volunteered to be the leader or assistant leader of three troops simply because she enjoys it. She willingly dedicates a significant amount of time to planning activities for her current troop, even with her responsibilities in District 19, Neighborhood 5. LaTonya has held the roles of Neighborhood Manager, Troop Organizer, Neighborhood Delegate, and Camp Supervisor, in addition to her troop responsibilities over the years as a leader, assistant leader, and cookie manager. She has mentored countless young troop leaders, inspiring them to take more active roles in Girl Scouts and bring new adventures to their troops. She takes the time to help new volunteers understand how important their roles are in the delivery of the Girl Scout program. She strives to bring the Girl Scout Leadership Experience to youth of all ages, regardless of the role she holds. LaTonya embodies the idea that Girl Scouting doesn’t have to end when the kids grow up. In her time in Girl Scouts, LaTonya has organized numerous events for D19N5 and the entire district. Some of her most successful ones include Mad Tea Party, Camp Spa, Girl Scout Derby “Horse” Race, and the annual District 19 Holiday Bazaar. Because of her event-organizing reputation, LaTonya was also asked to be a member of the planning committees for Troop Round Up, Shades of Green, The Big Day, and the GSEM 100th Anniversary celebration. When she is not organizing events, she is volunteering at them, including as a camp supervisor for Troop Camp Blitz and a craft leader for multiple day camps, where she shares her passion for crafting with the day campers. Most recently, LaTonya moved mountains to hold a district camping weekend in spite of the pandemic. It took a great deal of coordination and cooperation with council to make it happen safely and still be fun for the campers. Showing that an event like this could be hosted, when Submission Example:

Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri 27

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