2025 GSEM Adult Recognition Handbook
Geographic Area : Often synonymous with neighborhoods or districts, the term geographic area may also be associated with other locations, such as school districts, towns/cities, or regions that cover multiple districts. Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE) : Simply, what Girl Scouts do and how they do it. At its base, it consists of three keys (Discover, Connect, Take Action) and three processes (Girl led, Learning-by-Doing, Cooperative Learning). All Girl Scout programs, Badges, and activities incorporate the GSLE (pg. 3).
Girl Scout Mission : Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
Impact : The effect or influence that a person, group, or action has upon another.
Impact Report : The annual publication for GSEM members, donors, and community supporters that highlights the council’s accomplishments during the previous year.
Inclusion : The act of allowing many different types of people to participate fairly and equally.
Leadership : Qualities and behaviors that inspire, motivate, influence, and guide others towards a common goal or shared success, often by taking initiative, setting a positive example, making informed decisions, taking responsibility, and fostering collaboration within a group. Lifetime Member : An adult who holds a Girl Scout Lifetime Membership, which affords certain membership benefits and does not need to be renewed annually. However, any Lifetime Member who serves in a volunteer role must renew that role annually to be considered an active volunteer. ( see also , Role , Volunteer , or Special Service Award )
Measurable : Something that can be measured or quantified in a demonstrable way.
Membership Year : Runs from October 1 to September 30 each year.
Movement : Refers to the Girl Scout Movement, or the driving force for Girl Scouting in our region, nation, and across the globe.
Neighborhood : A smaller subunit within a district. Each neighborhood is led by a volunteer service team comprised of a Neighborhood Manager (pg. 4) and other neighborhood leadership roles. ( see also , District ) Neighborhood Manager : A volunteer leadership role that oversees the operations of a single neighborhood within a district. A Neighborhood Manager completes the Neighborhood Pin Approval Form to inform council who is to receive neighborhood-level pins, and purchases those pins after council approval. ( see also , Neighborhood or Neighborhood Pin Approval Form )
Adult Recognition Handbook 16
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