2024 Troop Cookie Manager Guide

Miscellaneous Question: How do I get more cookie materials for my troop?

Cookie material packets (including order cards, family guides, money envelopes, a troop cookie manager guide and receipt book) were mailed just after Thanksgiving via USPS. You can request more materials from your Neighborhood Cookie Manager first, or from council a at https://tinyurl.com/bdf57tn7.

Question: Does Rallyhood have an app? Yes! You can use Rallyhood through the website or the app available in your app store.

Question: If someone is a Troop Cookie Manager for more than one troop how will their logins work? Both eBudde and Digital Cookie allow a volunteer to easily switch between roles with a single login. In eBudde, click the troop number on the left side of the screen to change troops. In Digital Cookie, they will have a dropdown menu on the upper right to change roles.

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