2024 Treats & Reads Manager Playbook

Troop # _______________

2024-2025 Product Programs Rewards Opt-Out Girl Scout Agreement Form

Rewards Opt-Out Guidelines:

• This form can ONLY be used by Girl Scout Junior, Cadette, Senior and Ambassador troops choosing to opt-out of receiving rewards for the 2024-2025 Treats & Reads and Girl Scout Cookie Programs; Daisy & Brownie troops and multi-level troops outside of these levels are not eligibile • By completing this form, troops verify their choice to opt-out of receiving ALL rewards (with any exceptions noted on order card) and will instead receive additional proceeds • Opting out of rewards must be a unanimous vote by members of the troop • Please avoid pressuring Girl Scouts to vote the way you want; follow the process and respect those who still want the rewards • All participating Girl Scouts MUST sign this form or submit their consent to the troop electronically • The selection of opt-out rewards MUST be made by the Troop Leader/Troop Treats & Reads Manager/Troop Cookie Manager by selecting “Rewards Opt-Out” in M2 or “Opt-out of rewards for additional proceeds” in eBudde prior to required deadlines or submission of troop product order. Once this is selected, the system will automatically generate additional proceeds • Troops may choose to opt-out for one program or both • One opt-out form is sufficient for both programs and should be kept with the troop’s records. It’s recommended to share the signed form with troop parents/adults

Our troop unanimously voted to “opt-out” of receiving Girl Scout rewards for these programs:

■ Treats & Reads ■ Girl Scout Cookie Program

We choose to “opt-out” of receiving Girl Scout rewards because (check one):

■ We are planning a trip to _____________________________________________________________ ■ Funds are for a community service project Specify project _____________________________________________________________________ ■ Other _____________________________________________________________________________

42 2024 Treats & Reads Manager Playbook

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