2024 Treats & Reads Manager Playbook

Enter Nut Order Card Orders in M2 Girl Scouts have two choices: turn in the paper nut order card to you or their parent/adult enters it into M2 through their Girl Scout’s dashboard. Girl Scouts who need you to enter the orders for them need to turn those cards in to you by Oct. 27. You must then manually enter the product quantities under that Girl Scout in M2. All girl delivery orders must be updated by Oct. 28 for the troop. For those who want to enter their own order card items, they will do this through Manage Paper Orders on their Girl Scout’s online M2 dashboard. The deadline for them to do this is Oct. 27 at 11 pm CST. If they cannot enter the paper orders by that time, then you will have to manually enter the order. October Ƒ Girl Scouts can begin taking orders on Oct. 5 Ƒ Collect nut order cards from troop members by Oct. 27 Ƒ Enter nut order card orders from Girl Scouts and any extra troop product in M2 by Oct. 28 Ƒ If opting out of rewards (Junior-Ambassador troops only), update setting in M2 by Oct. 28 Ƒ Verify/update troop bank account information in M2 by Oct. 28 Ƒ Last day for customers to choose girl-delivery option for online orders is Oct. 31 Ƒ Online orders for donation and direct shipping continue through Nov. 24 Ƒ Check your email for updates from Product Programs team

Note: Parents/caregivers only enter the paper order card items. All online, paid-for orders calculate automatically and are added to your troop’s order.

26 2024 Treats & Reads Manager Playbook

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