2024 Treats & Reads Manager Playbook

Happy Treats & Reads, Volunteers!

It’s that time of year again, where your troop gets a head start on earning funds for their troop activities. Treats & Reads is a great opportunity for your troop to hone their skills in practice for amazing Cookie success. Through their participation, your Girl Scouts can learn more about goal setting, communication, and good decision making. Not only does your troop earn funds to use this year, but they are also helping to support programs for everyone in Eastern Missouri, including the preservation of our beautiful camps. We know that you will do a wonderful job helping Girl Scouts navigate the Treats & Reads program and we could not ask for a better group of volunteers—you are greatly appreciated! Set Yourself Up for Success! 1. Add the Treats & Reads Manager role for your troop to your profile in your membership account at MyGS. 2. Look for your M2 onboarding email on Sept. 27 and set up your account. 3. Complete Nuts & Bolts “Let’s Get Started” training module in gsLearn. 4. Tell your Girl Scouts and families about the program and how they can participate. 5. Set up the Adult/Guardian email campaign for your troop in M2. Inside this playbook, you will find important information that will help you through the Treats & Reads program.

2 2024 Treats & Reads Manager Playbook

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