2024 Dessert First Program

gsem in 2023

In 2023, GSEM launched new programming opportunities that focused on socio-emotional well-being, professional development, and post secondary planning. By partnering with educational institutions and expert organizations, our expanded program offerings allow our middle and high school Girl Scouts to dream big and then put those plans into action to achieve their goals. Through providing prescriptive mentoring, job shadowing, and cultural enrichment programming, these year-round opportunities provide all girls, with necessary skills to navigate the college and career pathways successfully.

58,583 Total Badges Earned Girl Scout Four Pillars: • STEM • Life Skills • Entrepreneurship • Camp/the Outdoors

332 Daisy Troops received Daisy Drop Box

128 Brownie Troops received Brownie Bundle The Daisy Drop Box and Brownie Bundle are mailed to the home of volunteer troop leaders and includes all of the supplies and instructions needed to host one troop meeting per month.

15,126 Camp Experiences

2.2 million+ Cookie Packages Sold 94,000+ Cookie Packages Donated to USO of Missouri and Operation Food Search

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