2024-2025 Inspire Discovery

October 2024 May 2025

Inspire Discovery Fall Registration Opens Aug. 20 Spring Registration Opens Jan. 7

Inspire Discovery 2024-2025

Each year, Girl Scouts let their imaginations lead the way as they participate in unique, out-of-this-world experiences. Find inspiration and discover something new by attending a Girl Scout program, camp or event during the 2024-2025 school year. Don't miss a minute of big adventures and forever friends! This is going to be the best year yet.

2 Inspire Discovery 2024-2025

Join the GSEM Media Team! Lights, camera, action! With the right tools and some guidance, there’s no limit to what a Girl Scout can do. Joining the Media Team gives girls the opportunity to share their Girl Scout pride while learning the art of great storytelling. Media Team members serve as the official faces and voices of Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri. As Media Team members, Girl Scouts become reporters, writing news and feature stories, and interviewing people about fun and fascinating topics. They record audio and speak in front of the camera. Then they'll share the stories in one or more forms of broadcast media and see themselves in print, online, and on the air. What is your favorite part of Girl Scouts and why? "My favorite part of Girl Scouts is being on the GSEM Media Team. Through the media team, I was given opportunities to make news appearances, be on billboards, visit radio stations, and work side-by-side with a news anchor while hosting Dessert First. Girl Scouts helped me find that journalism was the career path for me and for this I am extremely grateful!" On the Cover Meet Legacy, a Girl Scout Senior and member of the GSEM Media Team. During her time in Girl Scouts, Legacy has started her own nonprofit Little Legacies, delivered the first TedTalk in Missouri by a youth and has appeared as a guest on The Drew Barrymore Show. Recently, Legacy has been appointed to the 2024-2025 National Girl Scout Advisory Board where she will work with the national office on key projects and initiatives. Legacy has unleashed her leadership potential through Girl Scouts and plans to continue using these skills to become a journalist and television news anchor in the future. How has Girl Scouts helped you become a leader? "Girl Scouts has helped me become a leader by giving me various opportunities to make my own choices and serve in leadership roles. This year, I was selected to be member of the Girl Scouts USA Advisory Board and I traveled to New York City to meet with other girls to discuss the future of Girl Scouting. I also expanded my leadership in my community when I completed my Gold Award this year." What advice would you give to girls just starting their Girl Scout journey? "As a 10-year Girl Scout some advice I would give to girls just starting their Girl Scout journey is to ensure that they step out of their comfort zone and try new things. Through Girl Scouts, you will be given many opportunities to experience things that you have never thought of."

Media Team Opportunities: • Star in Girl Scout council commercials, videos and print features • Conduct interviews for TV, radio and print publications • Speak at local Girl Scout events • Participate in exciting Girl Scout opportunities throughout the year

To apply for the 2024-2025 media team, please visit girlscoutsem.org/mediateam .

Inspire Discovery 2024-2025 3

Inspire Discovery

2024-2025 Inspire Discovery With support from dedicated adult volunteers, parents and staff, Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri (GSEM) delivers the Girl Scout experience to girls and adults in eastern Missouri, which includes St. Louis City and the 28 surrounding Missouri counties of Adair, Audrain (Van-Far School District), Clark, Crawford, Franklin, Iron, Jefferson, Knox, Lewis, Lincoln, Linn, Macon, Marion, Monroe, Pike, Putnam, Ralls, Reynolds, Schuyler, Scotland, Shelby, St. Charles, St. Francois, St. Louis, Ste. Genevieve, Sullivan, Warren and Washington.

Inspire Discovery is an annual publication of Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri.

Natissia Small, Ed.D. Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Lydia Bullock Chief of Engagement and Belonging Officer

GSEM NEWS Would you like to receive our monthly e-newsletter and other GSEM updates via email? To ensure you receive these updates please login to your MyGS account, click on the “Family Profile” tab and make sure the “Email Opt In” box is checked and that the email address we have on file is accurate.

CONTACT US 314.400.4600 answercenter@girlscoutsem.org

Kelly Daleen Chief Marketing and Membership Officer Erin Huett Chief People and Culture Officer

GSEM Service Center 2300 Ball Drive St. Louis, MO 63146

Brenda Marsian Chief Philanthropy Officer


Camp Cedarledge Pevely, MO Camp Fiddlecreek Labadie, MO

Danielle Washington Chief Program Officer

Barbara Wilson Chief Financial Administrative Officer


Camp Tuckaho Troy, MO


Editorial Inquiries communications@ girlscoutsem.org



Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri has zero tolerance for any instances of sexual abuse, physical abuse, and/or molestation of any individual. Any staff member, volunteer, or independent contractor found to have engaged in any such activity will be terminated from their employment, volunteer role, and/or any other affiliation they have with Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri. Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri will also pursue any and all legal actions warranted in the event of an instance of sexual abuse, physical abuse, and/or molestation. For more information about this policy, see the Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri website at https://vr.girlscoutsem.org/sampolicy, or contact the Senior Manager, Risk Management. Sexual Abuse, Physical Abuse and Molestation Policy

If you have any concerns about, or need to report, an instance of sexual abuse, physical abuse, and/or molestation, contact the Senior Manager, Risk Management. If that person is not available, contact another Leadership Team staff member. Also remember that Missouri law states that if any person with the responsibility for the care of children has reasonable cause to suspect that a child has been or may be subjected to abuse or neglect or observes a child being subjected to conditions or circumstances which would reasonably result in abuse or neglect, that person shall immediately report to the Missouri Department of Social Services Children’s Division. Mandated reporters include Girl Scout volunteers and staff.

4 Inspire Discovery 2024-2025


Welcome What's New Extreme Adventures Patch Programs Service Center Tours International Travel 2024-2025 Events Girl Scout Round Up Girl Scout Cookie Run April Showers Robotics Product Programs Camping Programs Meet the Highest Awards Bronze Award Program Partners Ways to Participate Program Registration Accessibility Program Listing Younger Girl Programs Older Girl Programs Silver Award Gold Award

6 8 8 10 11 13 14 16 18 20 22 24 32 38 40 42 44 50 52 54 55 56 56 72

Inspire Discovery 2024-2025 5

Dear Girl Scout Families, Welcome to the 2024-2025 edition of Inspire Discovery ! This annual publication is designed for Girl Scouts and their parents/caregivers highlighting Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri events, information on earning one of Girl Scouts' highest awards, and endless program opportunities, from October 2024 through May 2025. Each school year, our Girl Scouts embark on a new journey filled with opportunities for growth and development. Together, we create a space of belonging for every girl to confidently walk into any room. Our girls, supportive families, GSEM staff, and program partners, have shown remarkable persistence to encourage girl success. Girls have demonstrated strong skills in school navigation, leadership, and fostering positive relationships with their peers. The impact Girl Scouts has on the lives of girls remains unmatched! I remain focused and committed to building a stronger foundation to support all Girl Scouts and their families. In addition to our traditional programming, girls can now participate in academic enrichment, mental health, and workforce development programming to increase critical competencies to promote lifelong success. We are also making significant strides in providing all girls with resources to assist with post-secondary planning. Recently, Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri was pleased to announce a new and historical collaboration with Missouri State University with an annual renewable award of a $2,000 freshman scholarship for all eligible Girl Scouts in eastern Missouri. We are Soar High, Girl Scouts!

working on additional higher education and technical institution partnerships, and I look forward to sharing those exciting announcements with our families throughout the upcoming school year! I am incredibly grateful to have met so many Girl Scouts, families, and volunteers during my first year as CEO. From loading boxes of personal care items during April Showers to celebrating our Gold Award Girl Scouts at our Reflections Ceremony, it has been an amazing journey interacting with our girls! Take a look at some of my favorite moments on the next page. I am excited to continue partnering with each of you and engaging in activities that will motivate and empower all girls! I know our Girl Scouts and their families are already kicking off this school year with courage, confidence, and character, while uplifting others along the way! I want to give a warm welcome to all new members joining our Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri family. To all members, thank you for your unwavering support as we collaboratively come together to uplift all girls in eastern Missouri to soar higher! Much success,

Natissia Small, Ed.D. Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri CEO

More than 25,000 girls throughout eastern Missouri can now soar higher thanks to our partnership with Missouri State University!

6 Inspire Discovery 2024-2025

I had so much fun celebrating the grand opening of the new Edward Jones Adventure Center at Camp Tuckaho!

I am immensely grateful to our troop leaders, girls, families, friends, staff and volunteers for their dedication and hard work in collecting personal care items during April Showers for individuals and families in need.

Congratulations to Clara Bonstead who received the $5,000 GSUSA Gold Award Scholarship! It was a honor to celebrate Clara and 25 phenomenal young women during our annual Reflections Gold Award Ceremony!

I am so very proud of Legacy, Jocelyn, Olivia, Abi and Jennifer for leading a fantastic girl panel discussion on the empowered girl for attendees at the Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri's Women's Leadership Network Celebration Luncheon!

I am beyond impressed by the fearlessness demonstrated by the 2024 class of Camp Fury! Huge kudos to the Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri camp team and local St. Louis responders for their hard work and dedication to this program.

Inspire Discovery 2024-2025 7

Extreme Adventures

Looking for challenging programs that go above and beyond traditional badge work? The Extreme Adventures program series offers Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors unique and "extreme" outdoor-related opportunities. This year we'll be backpacking, rock climbing, underground kayaking and more! Turn to the Older Girl Program section on pg. 74 of this publication for more details on each adventure.

Adventure 1: Backpacking Trip (Overnight) Oct. 12-13, 2024

Adventure 2: Rock Climbing Nov. 17, 2024


Adventure 3: Underground Kayaking (Girl Scouts must be at least 13 years old at the time of the program) Feb. 16, 2025

Extreme Adventures programs are part of a series—Girl Scouts can sign up for one, multiple, or all of the programs within the series. Girl Scouts do not have to have prior experience to sign up unless otherwise noted, although exposure to the activity is helpful, and a general love of the outdoors is necessary! New participants signing up for any of the programs in this series will receive a special Extreme Adventures patch and T-shirt. Join us on these amazing and unique adventures! Questions? Contact Hannah Dailey, Program Manager, at 314.592.2359 or hdailey@girlscoutsem.org .

Adventure 4: The Amazing "Extreme Adventures" Race March 16, 2025

Adventure 5: Moonlight Tree Climbing (Overnight) April 12-13, 2025

Adventure 6: Mississippi River Float June 1, 2025

8 Inspire Discovery 2024-2025

Life Skills: Professional Development & Well-Being Programs

ACT Prep

High School and Beyond

March 23, 2025 1-4 pm Senior | Ambassador Berges Family Girl Scout Program Center $35

May 12, 2025 6-8 pm Senior | Ambassador Berges Family Girl Scout Program Center $10 The years after high school are an exciting time as Girl Scouts are going out into the world and discovering what their adult life is going to look like. Simplify the post-high school preparation process by tackling it step-by-step, and get ready for the next amazing chapter! This program will also review exciting scholarship opportunities available to graduates from Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri!

Get ready to rock the ACT! We will be joined by a skilled ACT tutor who has years of experience helping high schoolers succeed on this important test. This engaging workshop will focus less on completing questions as quickly as possible and more on understanding every single aspect of a particular question, as well as giving helpful advice on what to expect on test day. This is the perfect program for Girl Scouts who want to be prepared for the ACT!

Mental Wellness Opportunities

Mental Health Awareness Overnight

Virtual MEdia Journey

May 2-3, 2025 5 pm, Fri.-10 am, Sat. Cadette | Senior | Ambassador Berges Family Girl Scout Program Center $60

Oct. 10, 2024 AND Oct. 17, 2024 6-8 pm Cadette Virtual $35

Mental health is increasingly a focus in everyone's lives, and for good reason! Mental health is a vital part of our health overall, and one that has been ignored or forgotten for many years. Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month with a sleepover where we will explore the world of mental health and how we can be healthier and happier in our everyday lives.

Cadette Girl Scouts are constantly exposed to messages about how they look, think and act. Cadettes will embark on a journey to examine the messages they receive, learn how to examine media with a critical eye, and how they can engage with media in a healthy way. We will also learn how Girl Scouts will learn what a bystander is and how they can avoid becoming one by taking action! This is a virtual program with two required sessions.

Girl Scouts receive a Mental Health Patch.

Girl Scout Cadettes earn their MEdia Cadette Journey Award.

Inspire Discovery 2024-2025 9

Patch Programs

Girl Scouts Love State Parks

Sept. 14-15, 2024 | $5 per Girl Scout Want to earn the "Girl Scouts Love State Parks" patch but don't know where to start? Sign up for this patch program to earn the patch individually or as a troop! Participants will receive a list of state parks in GSEM's jurisdiction and the activities they will offer on this weekend especially for Girl Scouts. Materials will also include a sample itinerary for ideas of what to do at some parks and a patch following the event. Registration for this program is open now through Sept. 12!

Women's History Month Patch Program

March 1-31, 2025 | $20 per Girl Scout The Women's History Month fun patch program is designed to help Girl Scouts honor significant historical women, learn about important milestones in women's social and legal progress and find inspiration in the many ways women continue to influence the world. Girl Scouts will choose from a list of activities to explore, learn and celebrate Women's History Month as they earn this fun patch. Virtual programs will be offered during the month and will cover topics of: Women Entrepreneurs: Then & Now, Wellness & Women's History, The Art of Women's History, and Invent the Change: Women in STEM. Virtual programs will be recorded and patches mailed to participants.

Hispanic Heritage Month Patch Program

Sept. 1-30, 2025 | $20 per Girl Scout During Hispanic Heritage Month, Sept. 15-Oct. 15, we celebrate the countless contributions that Hispanic people and Latinos have made and continue to make in the United States. We honor the cultural richness of all people in the U.S. whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America.

Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri will have the option to earn this patch with the program team next fall. Join us, virtually for a series of programs that will highlight this amazing heritage. Program dates and times will be provided in the summer Inspire Discovery mini guide, due out in early May!

10 Inspire Discovery 2024-2025


















All participants receive an "I Toured the Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri Service Center" patch.

GSEM Service Center Tours What happens behind the scenes at the Girl Scout Service Center—where do all those cookies get stored, who packs the Daisy Drop Boxes and Brownie Bundles, what is the Emerson Resource Center and who can visit the Girl Scout Shop? For this upcoming 2024-2025 school year, Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri is excited to announce that we are resuming Service Center tours on Thursdays from 4-6 pm beginning in October. Tours are conducted by members of the council's senior leadership team and provide a tour of the office, overview of council operations and an opportunity to learn about the Emerson Resource Center and the Girl Scout Shop. They are available for a troop, adult neighborhood members, caregivers and girl combination(s) and so on. The tours are offered to registered members and it is the responsibility of the group requesting the tour to meet the girl to adult ratio. Reservations can be made through gsEvents. Please register all girls and adults participating. Tours are offered at 4 pm and 5 pm, at no cost. They last approximately 30 minutes and end with a visit to the Emerson Resource Center and the Girl Scout Shop.

Tour Dates Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, 2024 Nov. 7, 14, 21, 2024 Dec. 5, 12, 2024

Jan. 9, 16, 23, 30, 2025 Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27, 2025 March 6, 13, 20, 27, 2025

April 3, 10, 17, 24, 2025 May 1, 8, 15, 22, 2025 June 5, 12, 2025

Inspire Discovery 2024-2025 11

Summer Fun This past summer, Girl Scouts packed their bags and headed out on thrilling adventures. From Juliette Gordon Low's birthplace to our Nation's Capitol to international destinations, as well as Girl Scout camp, eastern Missouri Girl Scouts have made lifelong friends and created lasting memories. Take a look at a few of their adventures below!

Inspired to take a trip? Learn more about troop trips and find resources at girlscoutsem.org/travel .

Savannah, GA

Destination: Belize! GSEM Girl Scouts spent a week in Belize for an international adventure. This action-packed trip included snorkeling, rafting, ziplining and so much more!

Washington, D.C.


Meramec State Park


St. Louis Police & Fire Academy

12 Inspire Discovery 2024-2025

Adventure in Europe

Castles, cathedrals, coastlines and countrysides, pack your bags and join Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri on a journey of a lifetime in Europe this summer! During this 9-day trip in June 2025, Girl Scouts will explore the beautiful countries of England, Ireland and Wales. Girl Scouts will have the chance to see amazing sights while gaining confidence and independence. Scholarships are available for this trip, and Trefoil Rewards are applicable.

Questions? Please contact Nicole Devine, STEM Program Manager, at 314.592.2344 or ndevine@girlscoutsem.org .

To view the full itinerary, visit girltrips.eftours.com/tour-website/2699280UB .

Intinerary Highlights

See Big Ben and Buckingham Palace in London, England

Kiss the Blarney Stone in Ireland

Tour St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin, Ireland

Visit Shakespeare's Birthplace in Stratford-upon-Avon

More Adventures to Come! Ready to blast off to Space Camp? Or dreaming of hiking through the Rocky Mountains during a Colorado Expedition trip? Be on the lookout for more details on two upcoming adventures featured in the 2025 Camp Adventure Guide !

Inspire Discovery 2024-2025 13 Information Session: All 2025 Trips Dec. 4 at 7 pm | Virtual Register: vr.girlscoutsem.org/2025travel

Girl Scout Events October 2024-May 2025

New Changes to Program Registration: • Fall Programs (Oct. 1-Jan. 31): Registration opens Aug. 20 • Spring Programs (Feb. 1-May 31): Registration opens Jan. 7

Turn to pg. 56 to view all Daisy, Brownie and Junior programs for the 2024-2025 school year. Cadette, Senior and Ambassador programs begin on pg. 72.

Navigating the Events Calendar Members can search for Girl Scout programs on our website at girlscoutsem.org . The event search function can be found by hoovering over "Activities" tab and clicking "Event Search" from the drop-down menu.

Pro Tip : Make sure to login to myGS before searching, so after finding the right program, registration is just a simple click!

On the Events Search page, either scroll through all available programs listed by month or use the search bar with the event title. When Girl Scouts find a program that they are interested in, click "View Details" on the right-hand side. To register for the program, click the green "Register Now" button.

14 Inspire Discovery 2024-2025

2024-2025 Calendar

October 2024

February 2025


Treats & Reads GO Day


Girl Scout Cookie Booths Open

27 26

22 21-23

Girl Scout Round Up Treats & Reads Order Cards Due

National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend World Thinking Day


Juliette Gordon Low's Birthday

Bronze, Silver & Gold Award Final Report Submission Deadline March 2025

November 2024



2025 Camp Adventure Guide Goes Live

27-29 24

10-16 8

International Women's Day Girl Scout Week

Treats & Reads Program Ends Council closed for Thanksgiving


Girl Scout Cookie Run


Girl Scout Cookie Program Ends

April 2025

December 2024


Spring Renewal Opens

2025 Overnight Camp Registration Opens


April Showers Door-to-Door Distribution Weekend Showering the Community



2025 Day Camp Registration Opens

Council closed for Winter Break 19-1/2


Winter Inspire Discovery Mini Guides Mailed to Families


April Showers Collection Weekend



National Girl Scout Leader's Day

Summer Inspire Discovery Mini Guides Mailed to Families


January 2025


Feb.-May Program Registration Opens

May 2025

20 11

Girl Scout Cookie GO Day Council closed for MLK Day


Girl Scout Bridging Ceremonies


June-Sept. Program Registration Opens


Council closed for Memorial Day

To see the full Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri event calendar, visit girlscoutsem.org/events .

Inspire Discovery 2024-2025 15

Girl Scout Round Up

Join us for Girl Scout Round Up this fall on Saturday, October 26 at Camp Tuckaho in Troy! One amazing day of fun, activities and camp!

Oct. 26, 2024 10 am-4 pm

Camp Tuckaho, Troy, MO $10 per Girl Scout or adult; includes lunch, event patch, transportation into camp and all activities Registration is open to all members, participate with your troop or individually with a parent or caregiver. Everyone participating in the event must be registered to attend and a current Girl Scout member. Don't wait, registration closes Oct. 4! Space is limited and the event will sellout! Camping is available for the weekend and costs $5 per person.

16 Inspire Discovery 2024-2025

Event Details Event participation is very flexible for this event! We encourage troops to come together, Girl Scouts join individually with their adult or bring a few Girl Scout friends along with their adults. Please note, participants must meet girl to adult ratio for the event if attending as a troop and individual Girl Scouts must have an adult registered accompany them. Activities will be divided into two areas at camp, one group will be for our younger Girl Scouts, Daisies and Brownies. The other area will be for our older Girl Scouts, Juniors through Ambassadors. The program areas will include crafts, games and hands-on activities related to the four Girl Scout pillar areas of STEM, Life Skills, Entrepreneurship and Outdoors. We will also have a DJ and our brand new Camp Tuckaho play structure: the Edward Jones Adventure Center! Special camp activities, like archery, will be available through a different sign up for eligible participants. More details will be sent once event registration closes on Oct. 4. Participant parking will be available off site and bus transportation will be provided into camp property. Participants will register for the start time that works best for their schedule, with the option to return to their vehicles at any time. Bus departure times will be at 9:15 am and 10 am from the Troy Buchanan High School parking lot to travel into camp.

Girl Scout Round Up 2024

Inspire Discovery 2024-2025 17

Girl Scout Cookie Run

Lace up those running shoes—Tagalong for the sweetest race in St. Louis, the Girl Scout Cookie Run!

We are excited to again offer both in-person and virtual participation options for our annual Girl Scout Cookie Run event. Participants will have the opportunity to participate in-person on Nov. 30 or complete their run/walk virtually anytime from Nov. 22-Dec. 1. Ready, set, register today!

In-Person Event Sat., Nov. 30

Virtual Event Nov. 22-Dec. 1

Girl Scout Service Center 2300 Ball Dr., St. Louis 63146

Whether participants want to run on the treadmill, jog around the neighborhood or walk a local trail, our virtual event is a great option to participate in our annual event. Grab family and friends for a 5K or 1-mile run or walk anytime from Nov. 22-Dec. 1. To receive the race packet before Nov. 22, participants must register for the Virtual Option by Nov. 6. If participants register after that date, packets may arrive after Nov. 22. Shipping is included in the registration fee.

5K Run/Walk 8 am

1-mile Run/Walk 9 am

Packet pick-up information can be found on the event registration page, vr.girlscoutsem.org/cookierun24 .

18 Inspire Discovery 2024-2025

2024 Swag Options

Choose the T-Shirt and beanie/glove swag bundle or opt-out and save $5.

Registration Registration is open now through Nov. 30! Visit vr.girlscoutsem.org/cookierun24 to register online. Registration is required for both the in-person and virtual event options. Register early to lock in a lower price and guarantee your T-shirt size. Information on swag options and deadlines can be found on the registration page. Registration Fees • $30 (5K) or $18 (1-mile) through Sept. 30 • $38 (5K) or $21 (1-mile) Oct. 1 through Oct. 31 • $45 (5K) or $25 (1-mile) Nov. 1 through Nov. 30

2024 Cookie Run T-Shirt

2024 Cookie Run Gloves

2024 Cookie Run Beanie

Extra Swag Options Purchase the event patch or crewneck sweatshirt as a sweet add-on swag option!



2024 Cookie Run Crewneck

2024 Cookie Run Patch

Inspire Discovery 2024-2025 19

Girl Scouts, their troop leaders, families and friends can help individuals and families in need by participating in Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri's largest community service program, April Showers. April Showers

For 27 years, Girl Scouts, their families and neighbors have collected more than 27 million personal care items. We are excited to be offering the community multiple ways to participate in April Showers. We will again be utilizing online registries in addition to the traditional in-person aspects of the program. Girl Scouts will place self-adhesive notes door-to-door throughout eastern Missouri the weekend of April 4-6, 2025. The note will encourage households to purchase items and reuse a bag or box of their own for pickup on April 12 or to donate through our online registries. On April 5, Girl Scouts will be stationed outside of local stores to encourage customers to purchase additional personal care items for donation. All items donated through the online registries will be delivered to our camps. Girl Scouts will have the opportunity to assist with counting and sorting items donated through the registries. More information will be available in the Troop Participation Guide. All registered Girl Scouts are expected to participate in April Showers through door-to-door distribution, donation collection or Showering the Community. District and Neighborhood Events scheduled for either weekend of April Showers should plan to incorporate April Showers as part of their event plans. Troops camping are expected to participate on the alternate weekend.

April 4-6: Door-to-Door Distribution

April 5: Showering the Community

Stay up to date with April Showers information by visiting girlscoutsem.org/CommunityService .

April 12: Donation Collection

20 Inspire Discovery 2024-2025

This year, we will again offer a patch to all Girl Scouts who participate in April Showers! When troops complete the Participation Report Form, they will indicate how many patches they will need for their group. We will also offer some fun participation incentives this year, more details provided during coordinator training in January. We encourage families and friends to participate, too! April Showers is a great community service project for the whole family. Non-member insurance will be provided by Girl Scouts for family and friends who volunteer for April Showers.

Together, we can help empower girls to team up and make the world a better place. Be on the lookout for more information from your Neighborhood April Showers Coordinator in February. 2024


Community Service Partners

Girl Scouts who engage in community service develop a strong sense of responsibility for others. Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri provides girls with opportunities to serve, to connect with their communities and to reflect on their experience to better understand themselves, area needs and their role in making the world a better place. Community Service Partners are organizations looking for Girl Scouts to provide service to their organization. These partners will be listed in future publications and our website for easy access when Girl Scout troops are looking to do a service project.

• Douglass Community Services • LifeWise STL • Nurses for Newborns • St. Louis Altenheim • The Little Bit Foundation • The Open Space Council for St. Louis Region Community Service Partners

Find out more about our Community Service partners at girlscoutsem.org/communityservicepartners .

Inspire Discovery 2024-2025 21

Girl Scout Robotics

GSEM Robotics Team Spotlight: Brave Axolotl Butterfly Panda Eagle Cats

Robotics has helped me work with others better and making sure my voice is heard.

Alice K., Girl Scout Junior

"My favorite part about Girl Scout Robotics is helping with the build because it helps me and my team learn new skills and think of new questions we can find solutions for," said Enid, Girl Scout Junior. These young leaders built a model and used a computer to code movement, sound and lights for their robot, Izzy, to show her skateboarding skills. Their model included a stage, backstage, skateboarding ramp and sound booth. After completing their project, the Girl Scouts presented their robot to fellow GSEM Robotics teams.

Meet one of Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri's outstanding robotics teams, the Brave Axolotl Butterfly Panda Eagle Cats. This FIRST ® LEGO ® League (FLL) Explore team consists of Girl Scouts in 4th grade who are guided by head coach, Joan Turner and assistant coach, Annie Herz. Alice B., Enid L., Alice K., Myra K. and Nora T. are becoming science and technology leaders, gaining hands-on STEM experience along with problem-solving and leadership skills. Using the fundamentals of engineering, these Girl Scouts are working together to model and code using LEGO ® bricks.

I like being able to free build with LEGO ® and coding the robot. Nora, Girl Scout Junior

22 Inspire Discovery 2024-2025

Program Levels

We offer a special STEM opportunity through our Girl Scout FIRST ® Robotics Program. Our teams engage in hands-on robotics programming and learn about real-world problems. They discover the basics of engineering, learn to design, code and problem solve. Through their robotics team, Girl Scouts complete badge steps for all three robotics badges and more! Teams can even take their skills to a whole new level through FIRST ® Tech Challenge where teams design, build, and program metal robots. Teams follow an innovative curriculum that combines basic engineering and science concepts with an exciting season theme, then show off what they have learned at an end-of-season event. Through this year’s FIRST ® DIVE theme, teams will use creative thinking and technology to explore the layers of the ocean and bring their ideas to the surface as they “sea” into the future. Looking for an exciting and impactful STEM opportunity for Girl Scouts?

FIRST® LEGO League Explore

• 1st-4th grades • 2-6 Girl Scouts per team

• 2 adult registered volunteer coaches

• Cost: $35 per Girl Scout • Season: October to March

FIRST® LEGO League Challenge

• 4th-8th grades • 2-10 Girl Scouts per team

• 2 adult registered volunteer coaches

• Cost: $45 per Girl Scout • Season: August to March

Robotics teams are now forming! No prior experience is necessary; training, curriculum, and program supplies are provided to all teams.

FIRST® Tech Challenge

• 7th-12th grades • 3-15 Girl Scouts per team

• 2 adult registered volunteer coaches

• Cost: $65 per Girl Scout • Season: August to March

For adult volunteers wanting to start a team, visit girlscoutsem.org/robotics .

Questions? Please contact us at robotics@girlscoutsem.org .

Inspire Discovery 2024-2025 23

Money-Earning Programs for Troops What do girls want to do this year in Girl Scouts? Maybe they want to: • Visit a fun, new spot on a troop field trip • Help people in need with a service project • Travel as a troop or with Girl Scouts from around the country • Learn new skills and earn badges • Go to Girl Scout Camp Most of these activities require funds, so troops need to earn some. When Girl Scouts participate in the Girl Scout Treats & Reads and Girl Scout Cookie Programs, they can earn their way to an exciting year of new adventures! Along the way, Girl Scouts will become more confident, learn how to work with people, set goals and make good decisions. Product Programs Treats & Reads and the Girl Scout Cookie Program

Become a entrepreneurial boss during these programs and Embrace Possibility !

24 Inspire Discovery 2024-2025

Meet the New Mascots Our Product Programs highlight a special animal each season, giving Girl Scouts the opportunity to learn more about the amazing creature and how to help protect them.

Treats & Reads: Asian Elephant • The Asian elephant is the largest land mammal on the Asian continent • They are a very social animal • They can eat around 300 pounds of food each day • Asian elephants can weigh up to 12,000 pounds and can live 60-70 years

Girl Scout Cookie Program: Panda • Pandas love to roll and tumble. They also love to swim and climb • They spend 10-16 hours a day sniffing and crunching on food—mostly bamboo • All pandas found in the wild live in bamboo forests high in the mountains of Southwest China

Inspire Discovery 2024-2025 25

Treats & Reads

Which rewards would you like to earn? Preview a few of this season's Treats & Reads rewards.

Treats & Reads takes place October-November, and Girl Scouts can participate by marketing Girl Scout nut and candy treats, magazines and more. Girls can earn rewards and their troop could earn up to 20 percent of what they sell.

New Order Card Items in 2024:

LED Scrunchie 25+ items

Deluxe Pecan Clusters in Holiday Tin

Vanilla Honey Roasted Pecans

2024 Girl Scout Tin

Elephant Plush 40+ items

Magazines & More What's the "Reads" part of Treats & Reads? When Girl Scouts set up an online store in M2, their customers have the option to purchase new or renewed magazine subscriptions, Girl Scout Bark Boxes, Tervis tumblers, candles and personalized items. These online-exclusive products make great holiday gifts for employees, teachers, family and friends.

Wristlet 100+ items

Heart Necklace 6+ Project Thank You Donations

26 Inspire Discovery 2024-2025

How to Participate in Treats & Reads

1. Pick up an order card from troop volunteer; Girl Scout troop not participating? Ask the troop leader if they can support Girl Scouts individually. Let GSEM know of Girl Scouts participating solo at vr.girlscoutsem.org/24TRLetsGO . This way, we are sure to communication about the program, and order and reward pick up to individual participants. 2. Look for an email to set up a personalized online store. 3. Set up a personalized online storefront. 4. Send emails through the online store beginning Oct. 5 or use the share my site feature to direct customers to the site. 5. Reach out to friends, family and neighbors to show them the in-person order card options.

Treats & Reads University Get excited and prepared for the 2024 Treats & Reads season! Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies and Juniors learn entrepreneurial skills that will help them manage their Treats & Reads business. September 28, 2024 9-11 am Berges Family Girl Scout Program Center $10 vr.girlscoutsem.org/24TRU

Important Dates

• Oct. 5 : GO Day—Online and in-person orders may begin

• Oct. 27: Order cards due to troop

• Oct. 31: Online girl-delivered order option ends; online shipping and donation sales continue • Week of Nov. 18: Nuts and candy for girl-delivery arrive

• Nov. 24: Program ends

Inspire Discovery 2024-2025 27

The Girl Scout Cookie Program is the largest girl-led business in the world! Girl Scouts can join the fun this winter when they take cookie orders online, in-person and at cookie booths. Girl Scout Cookie Program

Key Cookie Dates

Jan. 11 : GO Day—Online and in-person orders begin

Feb. 14-17: Pre-ordered girl-delivery cookies arrive

Feb. 21-March 16: Cookie Booth season

March 16: Program ends

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Pro Tips for Treats & Reads and Cookie Success • Work as a troop to set goals so girls are able to communicate how funds will be used • Set personal sales goals; make an action plan for each week with a list of tasks to reach that goal; set weekly goals • Set up an online store as soon as access is available and update customer list; save the customer list from Treats & Reads to market cookies to them as well • Create a marketing campaign using video, business cards and door hangers • Use the QR code from the online store to direct customers to the site • Share Girl Scout story and goals with customers; make it short and sweet • Ask family and friends to help share Treats & Reads and Cookie marketing materials • Participate in cookie booths • Follow up with customers toward the end of the program so they know it's their last chance to order product • Thank customers in person, with a note, through email or a video—be creative!

Edward Jones Cookie College Get ready for the cookie season by coming to the Edward Jones Cookie College! Girl Scouts will learn entrepreneurial skills that will help them build confidence, find customers, and reach their goals. Register for these two programs by Nov. 23, turn to pg. 63 for more details.

Daisy Program Dec. 7 8:30-noon $20 per Girl Scout Edward Jones South Campus Brownie & Junior Program Dec. 7 noon-4 pm $20 per Girl Scout Edward Jones South Campus

Inspire Discovery 2024-2025 29

Check out a few of this year's Girl Scout Cookie Program rewards. Start Setting Goals Now!

Fidget Beanbag Stones 80+ Pkgs

Cooling Headband 130+ Pkgs

Water Bottle with Adhesive Charm Handle 230+ Pkgs

Cookie Hoodie + Belt Bag + Three Trefoil Rewards 1,000+ Pkgs


Mei Lan Panda Plush 170+ Pkgs

Bento Box + Take-Along Utensil Set 360+ Pkgs

Sell Cookies>Earn Girl Scout Summer Fun

When girls participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program, they can earn special rewards, called Trefoil Rewards, that can get them to a summer camp or program, like overnight or day camp, and even travel. Look for the Trefoil symbol on the cookie order card for earning levels. Then, find the symbol in the next Camp Adventure Guide and spring Inspire Discovery mini guide to find the programs Girl Scouts can attend using Trefoil Rewards they may earn through the Cookie Program. Remember—if girls didn't use their 2024 Trefoil Rewards at all, they must complete the Trefoil Rewards Redemption Form by September 15, 2024 to let us know they want to carry over to 2025. Carry over notification deadline is September 15. Any Trefoil Rewards not requested to carry over will expire on September 30, 2024.

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Become a true cookie boss in four easy steps!

1. Register for Digital Cookie®

2. Set Up a Site

Digital Cookie ® This cookie season, superpower sales by adding Digital Cookie®.

Look for the Digital Cookie® registration email to register. If the email can’t be found, contact the Answer Center.

Take a few minutes to set a sales goal, share a cookie story, and upload a fun picture or video. Then publish and go!

3. Invite Customers

4. Track Sales Progress

Use the Digital Cookie® app to sell cookies!

The app makes it easy for Girl Scouts to take payment from customers purchasing cookies.

Use the email in Digital Cookie® to reach out to customers. Ask them to visit the site, purchase, and share. Also, post the site on social media.

Use the Digital Cookie® platform to track sales and inventory and check progress towards goals.

The Girl Scouts name and mark, and all associated trademarks, including but not limited to Girl Scout Cookies, Girl Scout Cookie Program, Thin Mints, Trefoils, Digital Cookie® and the Trefoil design and mark are owned by Girl Scouts of the USA.

Inspire Discovery 2024-2025 31

Camping Programs

Labor Day Family Camp, Aug. 31-Sept. 2 Families can celebrate the end of summer at Girl Scout Camp! The weekend will be jam-packed with activities like swimming, canoeing, arts and crafts, campfires, games, fishing and more.

Cost: $50 per person at Camp Cedarledge, $25 per person at either Camps Tuckaho or Fiddlecreek

• Camp Cedarledge : Registration includes lodging, all activities, and lunch/dinner on Saturday and Sunday and brunch on Monday. • Camp Tuckaho : Registration includes lodging and activities. All meals are up to individual groups, bring cold food or cook over a campfire. • Camp Fiddlecreek : Registration includes lodging and activities. All meals are up to individual groups, bring cold food or cook over a campfire. Climbing wall and zipline registration additional $15 per person. At all three camps, families can request to stay in a permanent platform tent, lodge, or cabin. Each family group attending must include at least one registered Girl Scout. For more information, please visit girlscoutsem.org/familycamp .

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Dottie Cox Daffodil Day

Oct. 5, 2024 10 am-2 pm

Camp Cedarledge $10 per person, includes lunch and patch Max: 100 attendees; includes male guests and Girl Scouts Daisy and Brownie Girl Scouts and their special male role model (father, uncle, grandfather or adult brother) will help beautify camp by planting daffodils in remembrance of long-time volunteer Dottie Cox.

Spring Into Service

Daisy Day

March 28-30, 2025

April 6, 2025 10 am-2 pm

Weekend Stay: 6:30-7:30 pm, Fri.- 10:30 am, Sun. Saturday Only: 8 am-4 pm Camp Cedarledge, Fiddlecreek or Tuckaho

Camp Tuckaho $10 per person, includes lunch and patch Max: 100 attendees; includes male guests and Girl Scouts Daisy Girl Scouts and their special male role model (father, uncle, grandfather or adult brother) will help beautify camp by planting flowers.

Come help the rangers get the tents ready to open for spring! Groups will complete a list of cleaning and de-wintering tasks. No experience is required. Register as a family or troop and stay one night FREE at the camp of your choosing or just come for the day. For groups staying the night, there must be one licensed troop camper in each unit and all adults staying must have current background checks. Lunch on Saturday and a patch are included for each person in attendance.

Registration opens with the 2025 Camp Adventure Guide in December.

Inspire Discovery 2024-2025 33

Troop Camp Blitz

April 11-13, 2025 6:30-7:30, Fri.-10 am, Sun. Camp Cedarledge $70 per Girl Scout; $35 per Adult Grades: K-5

Girl Scout and their leaders are invited to come to Camp Cedarledge for Troop Camp Blitz, an enriching weekend where they can explore the outdoors, practice leadership, have fun and make memories. The adult only in-town training will be April 2, 2025, 6-9 pm.

Cadette Camp-A-Rama

May 30-June 1, 2025 7 pm, Fri.-10:30 am, Sun.

Camp Tuckaho Grades: 5-7

Cadette Camp-A-Rama is a weekend of excitement planned around being active in the outdoors surrounded by new and old Girl Scout friends. Campers participate in a variety of hands-on activities to help them discover an incredible amount about themselves. In addition to camp activities like swimming, canoeing and hiking, campers have the opportunity to choose from a variety of high adventure options. Day-only and weekend options will be available. Lunch and patch are included. Registration opens with the 2025 Camp Adventure Guide in December.

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Make a splash with Mariner Girl Scouts! Cadette, Senior and Ambassador Girl Scouts discover and develop their water-sport skills through canoeing, sailing and swimming. From mastering canoeing strokes to navigating a sailboat as a team, Mariner Girl Scouts conquer the open waters through this special interest program! Mariner Girl Scouts

Winter GAM (Gathering All Mariners) Jan. 10-12, 2025

Camp Cedarledge $25 per person Grades: 6-12

Learn sea shanties and discover nautical skills at this weekend event open to any Girl Scout with an interest in water sports or the Mariner program. Participants do not get into the water during this event.

Summer GAM (Gathering All Mariners) July 27-Aug. 2, 2025

DuBois Center, Du Bois, IL Grades: 6-12

Girl Scouts compete in the Council's longest-standing Mariner event, a five-day experience testing their canoeing, swimming and sailing abilities! Advanced preparation is required, and all activities are based on recognized water safety standards and follow Girl Scout water safety requirements. This event is exclusive to Mariners active in a ship. Girl Scouts must join a ship by April 1 to attend Summer GAM. Registration opens with the 2025 Camp Adventure Guide in December.

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High Adventure Opportunities

Outdoor Adventure Challenge Build team spirit, improve communication, inspire ingenuity and develop resourcefulness by participating in a fun and challenging low and high ropes course. In this extraordinary, interactive learning environment, campers are faced with decision-making situations that can be stimulating, both mentally and physically, as they navigate obstacles both on the ground and among the trees at the Outdoor Adventure Course (OAC).

Troop Outdoor Adventure Challenge Dates: Now-Oct. 2024 (select weekends) Troops will need a minimum of eight people, Girl Scouts and/or adults to participate $125 for the weekend for each unit: Cricket Corner 1 & 2 When troops participate in the Troop OAC Challenge, they build teamwork, develop self-esteem and create memories that last a lifetime! All people participating must be able to attend the entire program from Friday evening through Sunday morning. Troops are responsible for ensuring that the adult to child ratios are met and providing food for all participants and instructors. Adult volunteers who accompany their troops are responsible for girls when they are not participating in the program, i.e. meals and at night. Once registration is received, we make every attempt to place troops interested. The Lead OAC Instructor will contact troops about four weeks prior to their program participation to help Girl Scouts prepare for this adventure. Girl Scouts and a responsible adult will attend a short in-town meeting prior to the weekend with the Lead Instructor to prepare for the fun weekend.

Outdoor Adventure Challenge is looking for volunteers to train to be instructors for the OAC program. Volunteers who are interested in training to assist with OAC programs should attend New Instructor Training, April 4-6, 2025. For additional information, contact the Answer Center at 314.400.4600 or answercenter@girlscoutsem.org .

36 Inspire Discovery 2024-2025

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