2023 Troop Cookie Manager Guide


Question: How does a Virtual Cookie Booth work? How would packages be delivered to customers? How do packages get distributed for rewards? If you would like to offer girl delivery for your Digital Cookie Virtual Booth, you first need to make sure you have a physical cookie booth scheduled in eBudde. Then, in Digital Cookie, you can select which booth you want to make available for customers placing orders to pick up their orders. See information on pg. 65.

Packages from these sales can be distributed among the girls in eBudde by the Troop Cookie Manager.

Question: What payment methods can be used at booths? We encourage your troop to discuss what is right for your booth and to use contactless options wherever possible. The allowed payment methods at booths are cash, check, Digital Cookie in Hand, and CloverGo. Question: Where can Drive Thru booths be held? Drive Thru booths are best held in areas with a large amount of free space to safely move traffic without causing traffic jams. As with all booths, troops should work to get permission from the location they are holding their booth.


Question: Does Rallyhood have an app? Yes! You can use Rallyhood through the website or the app available in your app store.

Question: If I am a Troop Cookie Manager for more than one troop how will my logins work? Both eBudde and Digital Cookie allow you to easily switch between roles with a single login. In eBudde you will click the troop number on the left side of your screen to change troops. In Digital Cookie you will have a drop- down menu to change roles. Question: What is the process to opt out of physical rewards? Only Cadette, Senior and Ambassador troops may opt out of physical rewards. To do this, submit their intent to opt out at https://bit.ly/21-22OptOut and then the Troop Cookie Manager will toggle the opt-out button in their eBudde settings. Remember that the decision is based on a majority vote of the troop and all troop members should sign the form on pg. 77 for the troop’s records. This must be done by January 13.

Troop Cookie Manager Guide 53

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